News From Rooms 310 & 313 August 15 – 19, 2016 Marlow Elementary 912-728-3262 August 15 – 19, 2016 Specials Mon: *PE (P); *PE (S) Tues: Art (P); Tech (S) Wed: Music (P); *PE (S) Thurs: *PE (P); Art (S) Fri: Tech (P); Music (S) *Wear Tennis Shoes Notes Sept 2nd is the last day to pre-pay $25 for ice cream. The 1st day for ice cream will be on Sept. 7th. Be sure to send a note with your student if there is a change in his or her regular transportation Receive text messages from Mrs. Phillips: Mrs. Phillips’s HR text @149a8 to 81010 Miss Stewart’s HR text @e4d4h to 81010 Receive text messages from Miss Stewart: text @msrstew to 81010 Mrs. Melissa Phillips (P) Twitter: @MelissaMES313 Instagram: @mrs.phillipsmes313 Miss Rebecca Stewart (S) Mrs. Jennafer Busbie Upcoming Events Aug 17: Mrs. Phillips Out ½ Day Aug. 26: Spirit Day; wear jeans and any MES shirt Aug. 31: Mrs. Phillips Out ½ Day Sept 1: Bus Safety Sept 2: Ice Cream Pre-payment due $25.00 Sept. 5: No School Sept. 6: 1st 9 Weeks Progress Reports Stewart out ½ day Oct 5: Report Cards Oct 6: Parent/Teacher Conference & Early Release Oct 7-11: Fall Break English Language Arts This week we will practice the following skills: Fragments Run-on Sentences Writing Process Capitalization Students received their word study words on Monday. We will have a quiz on Friday, August 19th. Social Studies This week we will learn the rights and responsibilities of American citizens and positive characteristic of historical figures. Math Unit 1: Whole numbers, place value, and rounding. We will focus this week on rounding multi-digit whole numbers We will be in the computer lab Wednesday Homework: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Test Wednesday, August 31st Science This week we will focus on the water cycle and types of precipitation. Water Cycle and States of Matter test Wednesday, August 24th.