SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS Title of Subject: Mule - Petitto Mule Last Reviewed Date : November 2015 SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS The following safe work instructions is NOT INTENDED to replace hands on training requirements of the code of federal regulations. The intent is to provide an overview of known potential safety hazards associated with equipment operation. Hands on training with an experienced operator on each specific model must be conducted. The trainee can not proceed onto production until they are determined ready to proceed by the supervisor of the training. Before any operation or maintenance procedure is performed with or on this equipment, it is important that personnel have a complete understanding of the location and functions of all controls and indicators, as well as, the location and use of all emergency shutdown controls and procedures. Steps for Initial SWI Training: Prepare – Review the SWI. Present – Quick Card at the machine with experienced operator. Tryout – Person runs the machine with supervision. Follow up – Competency points are verified by supervisor and 5000-23 is signed by the trainee/trainer to complete the training. Steps for Retraining: Review SWI or Quick Card Verify Competency Points Complete Annual Training Requalification Form Competency Points: Pre-operational Checks © Tramming © Pulling Shield/Panline © Transferring Equipment © Buchanan Minerals, LLC is providing this safety guidance in order to specify the minimum safety standards, practices or policies that are expected to be observed by persons operating on Buchanan Minerals property. Additional or different safety standards, practices or policies may be applicable to your business or situation. You are solely responsible for establishing the safety standards, practices and policies that are applicable to your business and your situation and Buchanan Minerals, LLC assumes no responsibility or liability in that regard. Note: Only information that is maintained on the Buchanan Minerals web site is deemed controlled.
SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS Title: PETITO MULE SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS KEY POINTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Diesel Petitto Mule: Pre-ops: Examine cable for I.D. tag, insulating mat at breaker and proper outlet. Examine cable for cuts, breaks, bare wires and splices. Examine cable anchor. Ensure that the equipment is free from accumulations of combustible materials. Test all levers and pedals for proper operation. Visually examine the covers, guards, bolts, pins and hoses. Ensure that the sounding device is in place and functioning properly. Ensure that all lights are functioning properly. Ensure that all E-stops and panic switches are functioning. Ensure that deadman is functioning properly. Cable is to be de-energized during this examination. All levers and pedals must be maintained free of coal accumulations. All covers and guards must be in place. Replace any damaged or defective hoses. Examination of Work Area: Examine roof and ribs for loose materials. Make proper examinations for methane at required intervals. Examine tram road for obstacles and conditions. Scale roof and ribs as needed. Do not travel under unsupported roof. If 1% or more of methane is detected de-energize the equipment and notify your foreman. Ensure that tram roads are damp to wet to comply with the dust control plan. Tramming and Positioning: Sound audible alarm to alert others of your intended movement. Travel at a safe rate of speed for the conditions. Lights must be on in direction of travel. Ensure all persons are in the clear prior to tramming. Do not stack materials in a manner that would obstruct the operator’s sight line or that will create a hazard.
SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS Title: PETITTO MULE SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS KEY POINTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Pulling Shields/Panline and Transferring Equipment: Utilize effective communication with the personnel hooking/unhooking the equipment. Ensure that all personnel are in the clear prior to initiating the pull or initiating movement. Ensure that stab jacks will not contact hoses. One person should be designated for communication between the machine operator and personnel hooking up the shields/panline. Verify radios or other forms of communication are functioning properly. Parking: Ensure equipment is parked in a safe location. Retract and lower the boom. Ensure that all levers are off and centered. Utilize three points of contact when entering or exiting the equipment. Make certain that the boom is not in the walkway. Do not block walkways or interrupt ventilation.