Marketing with Student Manager An ACEware Webinar
Todays Agenda What is marketing? – A Primer Tracking and Source Codes Interest and Subject Codes Demographic details Reporting – Letting the codes talk to us History - trends, patterns Knowing thy Customer - analytics Targeting - Targeting Promotion Using Query tools to identify students – Duh! Evaluation – Tracking – Grading our efforts Additional Resources
Marketing is a societal process that is needed to discern consumers' wants; focusing on a product or service to those wants, and to mold the consumers toward the products/services. According to Wikipedia Marketing is fundamental to any businesses growth.
The right product At the right time In the right place To the right people At a price they are willing to pay In Short...
Sexy Full Color brochures with HTML Foo Foo Dancing chipmunk web sites Marketing is not...
For Example... "If a young man tells his date she's intelligent, looks lovely, and is a great conversationalist, he's saying the right things to the right person and that's marketing. If the young man tells his date how handsome, smart and successful he is -- that's advertising. If someone else tells the young woman how handsome, smart and successful her date is -- that's public relations." S.H. Simmons Just in time for Valentines Day
To do this... You need to focus on Designing and implementing Codes Knowing your customer Build Coding Systems to fit Evaluating course performance Report, analyze, study Step Outside your box…
Tracking with Student Manager Subject Codes Interest Codes Promotions Demographic Data Historical Data
CODING: Name Screen Source Occupation & Organization Codes
CODING: Name Screen Make note of a customers interest code to help determine future courses
CODING: Course Screen Anyone who registers for Belly Dancing will receive the Interest Code Dance because it is listed as the subject code of the course
CODING: Course Screen Department Code can also be a useful marketing query Dont Forget Location! (Real Estate)
CODING: Registration Screen Tracking codes determine how the student located the course
For Instance… Promotion Tracking Belly Dancing Newspaper Ad Quarterly Catalog Posters Radio Spot
When the registrations come in, how do you know which method was most effective? In Student Manager you use Tracking Codes
Statistical Report - Tracking Running a built-in report under statistics shows the following: Reports / Statistics / Tracking Codes, Query by Course
Statistical Report When the report is run by tracking code and not by course
Statistical Report Running a built-in report under statistics shows the following: Our best methods of marketing were and the radio ad
Reports Marketers should know.. Reports / Statistics / Demographics Reports / Statistics / Tracking Codes Past Course Performance Prior Year Growth (Deadbeat) Demographic Summary (Statistics / Names) Course Data Summary (Statistics / Course) Life History & Half Life (Deadbeat / Additional) First Time Course Enrollee (Deadbeat / Additional)
Statistics – Names - Demographics Looking at all names in the database Statistics / Names / Demographic Summary All names By Tracking Code
How are my courses doing? By location: Statistics / Course / Course Data Summary This report is run by Location, but can Also be run by Subject Code, Day of Class, Instructor, etc.
Past Course Performance Want to find your Top 10 Best performing courses by enrollment? Reports / Statistics / Course / Performance Review (by enrollment)
Past Course Performance / Top 10 And of course it can be run by income, CEUs or hours generated
Past Course Performance Compare your courses to the previous Month, Quarter, Term, or Year in the Deadbeat area (Alt +D) Under additional reports – Prior Growth Compared by year
Predicting what might interest students Looking at all names we can see that Computers & Management are areas of interest Statistics / Names / Demographic Summary By Interest Code
Customer Life History Run by year (optionally by quarter) Life History shows you how long your customers have been customers Deadbeat area (Alt + D) Additional Reports Life History
Knowing what we know… How to get the Goods to the People Queries ( Review Building Query Webinars ) Send Snail Mail Send Blasts ( In a future webinar )
Stepping Outside the Box Other Resources to help you Market Fees do apply
CASS Certified Data Export Name records to be CASS certified, (corrections then imported back into Student Manager) Labels and Letters is an ACEware Approved Vendor ( See Web site – Partners/Links )
Geodemographic marketing Classification of neighborhoods according to lifestyle and demographic data Cluster system of marketing Addressable, marketable targets Aaron Donsky – is the expert here
Geographic Mapping or Plotting Third Party Software BusinessMAP – From ESRI MapInfo
Summary Marketing - 1 % Inspiration – 99% Perspiration Coding Rocks! Tracking and Source Codes Interest and Subject Codes Demographic details Reporting – Listening to the codes Evaluation – Tracking – Grading our efforts History - trends, patterns Knowing thy Customer - analytics Targeting Promotion Using Query tools to identify students Additional Resources
Questions?? Please submit questions via the Question/Answer box on the webinar toolbar Upcoming Webinars: Reporting Aesthetics February 14 th 2 PM CST Course Construction - Coordinators Febuary 22 nd 1 PM CST