Targeted SEND Support Services for children with SEND David Canning ISL Manager St Albans and Dacorum County Lead Specialist Advice and Support (Teaching Services)
Targeted SEND Support Services for children with SEND In this presentation: Workstream vision Context of the workstream What is included and not included Data
Targeted SEND Support Services for children with SEND Vision SEND support services are co- ordinated, integrated and effective. They add value through targeted interventions which lead to sustained quality outcomes for children and young people and build capacity in local schools and settings. Principles of Targeted Intervention: Early Evidence based Evaluated
Targeted SEND Support Services for children with SEND Starts with the Child CHILD
Adds Wrap around Universal Provision CHILD Universal QFT Graduated approach Including amongst others: AET Elklan Steps (etc)
Targeted Support: THIS IS IN THIS WORKSTREAM Specialist provision NOT THIS WORKSTREAM: [But related] CHILD Universal QFT Graduated approach APDR
ENF targeted provision Not Included In targeted workstream HNB ENF targeted provision Not Included In targeted workstream Specialist provision (placement) Special, ESC, AP NHS Therapies HNB EP targeted work Targeted Support CHILD Universal QFT Graduated approach APDR HNB Mental Health Specialist Provision
Specialist provision (placement) Special, ESC, AP NHS Therapies ENF targeted provision EP targeted work HNB HNB Targeted Support CHILD Universal QFT Graduated approach ESMA -IAG and Direct Teaching Communication and Autism SLCN Outreach SPLD Outreach Multisensory Impairments Visual Impairments Special School Outreach Hearing Impairments DSPL commissioned support (including ESC and other groups) EY: Advisory Teachers EYDC (IDO SIW Universal offer EYDSB) Physical Neurological Impairment
1 - Language, communication and Interaction HNB Targeted Support CHILD Universal QFT Graduated approach 1 - Language, communication and Interaction SG 3 – Sensory and Physical Vacant 2 – Cognition and Learning Louise Carter 4 – SEMH (has its own workstream) Outreach services includes: SAS Specialist Advice and Support (including teaching services) Special Schools outreach SLCN and SPLD outreach services DSPL locally commissioned targeted services
Activity data
Planned task and finish group to address the Workstream Brief: Tiered Approach: Bringing together Levels of Need, Targeted provision within the County tiered approach to SEND Silvia Hundal + Consistent Referral System Ensuring that there is a transparent, equitable and accountable system for receiving requests for involvement (sometimes confusingly called referral system) Data and intelligence Ensuring that we collect and report on the right data to allow planning and accountability of services Louise Carter+ Specialism development Ensuring that staff maintain specialist knowledge and are appropriate skilled to deliver targeted and specialist assessments and interventions when required. Sally Glossop+ All Targeted services coordination Will bring together all services into a single transparent model of delivery of targeted and specialist provision in mainstream schools TBC Resources and allocation The group will ensure that there is sufficiency of resource and transparent processes of allocation. It will build on 1,2 and 3 above. Infrastructure This group will ensure that there is the right support, technical and human, to deliver an effective service. It will build on the work of 5 and 6 above.
Implications for ENF Until we know our population better we cannot make effective strategic decisions. Describing the population gives the opportunity to ensure consistent provision but it also creates risks: the so called ‘points equals pounds’. How do we ensure that process leads our allocation system rather than points? Do we want to create a local market with schools and settings choosing their provider for targeted and specialist services? If not, what do we need to do to avoid this?
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