Sub-Regional Workshop on International Merchandise Trade Statistics Compilation and Export and Import Unit Value Indices 21 – 25 November 2016. Guam.


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Presentation transcript:

Sub-Regional Workshop on International Merchandise Trade Statistics Compilation and Export and Import Unit Value Indices 21 – 25 November 2016. Guam Reef & Olive Spa Resort, Tamuning, Guam SESSION 3: COUNTRY PRESENTATIONS WRAP-UP Presentation by Nilima Lal and Rens Hendriks Economic Statistician, Pacific Community Email:

Country presentations wrap-up Topic: Progress made since the workshop conducted on 27 - 30 November 2012 in Noumea, New Caledonia Only FSM and Nauru have made progress.   Countries present here excluding Guam, can be put in 3 categories: Category 1 – FSM and Nauru: strengthen Category 2 – CNMI and Guam: improve Category 3 – RMI: start Suggestions: Question: Are Users in your country happy with the trade statistics you produce? Answer: Stocktake of why we produce statistics Stocktake of what is available Call stakeholder meeting Take action.

Country presentations wrap-up cont… 2. Question: Where is the trade data sourced from? Answer: The last option, use partner country data. 3. Question: What is the coverage and scope of IMTS? Answer: Refine as you go along. 4. Question: What are the processing/IT System used by the NSO and Customs? Answer: Use programs you know e.g. excel. 5. Question: What Classification(s) do you use for your trade statistics? Answer: Should follow WCOs HS. HS17 should be implemented 1/1/17. OCO has planned to regionalise the HS which then would allow all PICTs to adopt.

Country presentations wrap-up cont… 6. Question: How do you value your imports and exports? Answer: Ms cif and Xs fob is generally followed. 7. Question: What procedures do you have in place to edit/clean the data? Answer: For countries that have issues, I suggest you request SPC for a TA mission.   8. Question: What information is disseminated and how is it disseminated and what is the frequency of the dissemination? Answer: Need to improve frequency. 9. Question: Do you construct trade indices? Answer: Once you have compiled IMTS (quantity important), SPC can be contacted for a TA in this.