Sexual Abuse in Iceland and the “Barnahús Project” Bragi Guðbrandsson, director
Social awareness Stage of denial Stage of admittance Stage of recognition
International cooperation World Congress 1996 European Union Council of Europe Regional cooperation “Children at risk” in the Baltic states
Number of cases 1995-1997 Total number of cases 369 which involved 368 children Average of 123 cases a year.
Victims by sex During the three year period girls were 80,4% and boys 19,6% of alleged victims
Victims by age
Age of the offender
Did child know offender? Child knew offender 216 76,3% Child did not know offender 18 6,4% Not known 49 17,3%
Duration of abuse One incident 56,0% Few months 16,7% A year or more 17,9% Data missing 9,5%
Tracing of cases 369 100% 281 77% 170 46% 146 40% 51 14% 49 13% Total number 369 100% CPS 281 77% Police 170 46% Prosecution 146 40% Court cases 51 14% Convictions 49 13%
Tracing of cases cont.’d Total number of cases 369 CPS 281 77% Referred to police by CPS 84 30%
Case assessment by CPS Substantiated cases 51% Unsubstantiated cases 32% Data missing/unknown 18%
Tracing of cases 369 100% 281 77% 170 46% 146 40% 51 14% 49 13% Total number 369 100% CPS 281 77% Police 170 46% Prosecution 146 40% Court cases 51 14% Convictions 49 13%
Problems to solve Lack of cooperation between the different agencies involved; CPS, Police, Prosecution, Medical profession. Lack of an interdisciplinary approach. Lack of personell with special training and specialization, especially in conducting investigative interviews
Problems to solve cont’d Absence of appropriate guidelines in work practice Lack of consideration for the welfare of child victim – multiple interviews by different interviewers in different locations Lack of appropriate assessment, treatment and support to the child victim and her/his family.
Missions of Barnahus to coordinate the role of the CPS, Police, State Prosecution, Medical Profession and others engaged in the investigation of child sexual abuse to improve work practices by interdisciplinary cooperation of the different agencies involved to ensure that the child victim need not be subjected to multiple interviews in different locations by providing a child friendly setting for investigative interviews conducted by a specialized interviewer
Missions of Barnahus cont.’d to ensure that the child victim and family receives appropriate assessment, treatment and support to enhance specialized and interdisciplinary knowledge on child sexual abuse and mediate that knowledge as appropriate
Partners in Barnahus State Police State Prosecution University Hospital departments of pediatrics and child psychiatry Directors of Social Services CPS in Reykjavik Police Department in Reykjavik
Statistics from Barnahus Services Number of Children Investigative interviews 350 (166) Assessment/ Therapy 147 Medical examination 73