VALUE - $ (Enrollment) Monthly payments of U$19.90 for system maintenance, during the contract year. Note: On the value of enrollment, of U$149.00, and the monthly fee of U$19.90 the company pays nothing. Get your personalized website and already receive 10% in bonus for every direct sale Client access your website to buy Products/Services Enjoy great savings with much more freedom to use the service! Pc – Mobile TelexAPP/ Central – IP Phone YOU START AS AN ASSOCIATE BENEFIT And you can also create your sales team
And why sell 10 plans or more? Indirect Sales Earnings Earnings from the Associates in your team. Indirect commissions on sales of services until level 5. Simulation: You enrolled 4 associates and each one of them also enroll 4 associates. You and all your network sell 10 Credit Plans VOIP – 99TelexFREE.
PS.: Or other products/services to be launched by TelexFREE Thats how an Associate becomes a PROMOTER. 10 sales VOIP sales And get access to other incentives!
Profit with Ads: PROMOTION First 30 days as PROMOTER In the first month the Promoter is already qualified* to receive the Ads income! * After the thirtieth day the required qualifications are: 5 active clients + 2 direct promoters (left and right) with 5 customers each, to receive $100 weekly (Ad Family Plus). If you have only 5 customers, you will receive $50 per week (Ad Family) By doing this you will receive $100 per week. Thats a total of $400 in your first month of business. Receive 5 Ad Centrals to post a total of 35 ads per week, in other words, 7 Ads for each of 5 Centrals. Ads must be posted everyday, 7 days a week.
6 Gain $50 per week with ads Gain $100 per week with ads a) Individual gain - Have 5 active clients a) Individual gain - Have 15 active clients b) Gain with network After the thirtieth day keep getting the ads in the following configurations
Direct Bonus – Invite people to do WHAT YOU DID! Enroll both Promoters within the first 30 days and you will receive $200 + fast start bonus of $100 FAST START BONUS = $100 Earnings
PROMOTION – LEVEL ACTIVATION! After the qualifiers – First 2 (B e C) You need 2 Promoters (Third and Fourth), one on each side, and the system activates the 6º e 7º LEVEL OF EARNINGS FROM DIRECTS SALES & MONTHLY FEE Valid only in the first 30 days as a promoter
Best of all earnings on the MLM, direct sales - Telexfree With 4 direct Promoters: Table with an example of services sale.
Bonus BINARY. AFTER QUALIFIERS (THE FIRST 2) Every time you have a promoter on the left and a promoter on the right, you close a sales cycle and will receive the Binary of U$80 PER CYCLE. IN the example above, with 02 full binary cycles you make: To qualify to win the BINARY: You must have 5 clients and have 2 direct promoters (LEFT and RIGHT). Cap of U$ per day.
RESIDUAL INCOME Get 2% of what your network (direct or indirect) are receiving from Telexfree Ads postings up to the 6th level. Qualification to receive this income: Keep 5 CLIENTS and have your QUALIFIED PROMOTERS team. (left and right) WEEKLY SIMULATION (INCOME IS NOT GUARANTEED)
TEAM BUILDER: Qualification TEAM BUILDER: YOU NEED TO BE A QUALIFIED PROMOTER AND HAVE 4 QUALIFIED PROMOTERS DIRECT ENROLLED BY YOU. Receive 2% from the net sales of the company, divided equally among all TEAM BUILDERS Cap is U.S. $ 39,600 for year contract.
PS: 4 promoters, 2 in each side of your sales team PROMOTION Válida somente nos primeiros 30 dias 1K CLUB - $500 EXTRA