STI-GA Update to the NANC Thomas Goode ATIS General Counsel September 13, 2018
STI-GA Update This presentation provides an update on industry efforts to establish the Secure Telephone Identity Governance Authority (STI-GA). The STI-GA will ensure the integrity of the issuance, management, security and use of Secure Telephone Identity certificates issued in compliance with the Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs (SHAKEN) specification. The STI-GA, which is being managed by the industry under the auspices of ATIS, held its first Board meeting in August. The STI-GA has begun its work on the development of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the STI Policy Administrator.
STI-GA Update On May 21, industry stakeholders agreed to set up the STI-GA under the auspices of ATIS. This initiated significant efforts by ATIS and the industry to agree on how to operationalize the CATA WG report, including how this effort will be initially funded, what the rights and responsibilities of the Board members are, and action needed to meet the deadlines set forth in the CATA WG report. While most of the recommendations in the report were incorporated into STI-GA procedures/policies, some recommendations were not accepted (renaming the Technical Advisory Committee as the Technical Committee (TC), etc.). Per the CATA WG report, the STI-GA is being managed via an industry-led Board.
STI-GA Board Representatives The initial STI-GA Board consists of representatives from the following stakeholders: Clinton Lee, Jackson Energy Authority (appointed by the American Cable Association) Nathan Sutter, Nex-Tech Wireless (appointed by the Competitive Carriers Association) Indra Chalk, T-Mobile (appointed by CTIA) Glenn Clepper, Charter Communications (appointed by NCTA– The Internet & Television Association) Dave Frigen, Wabash Communications (appointed by NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association) Chris Oatway, Verizon (appointed by US Telecom) Gunnar Halley, Microsoft (appointed by the VON Coalition) Michael Starkey (appointed by Western Telecommunications Alliance/Texaltel) Linda Vandeloop, AT&T (founding member) Tim Kagele, Comcast (founding member) Darah Franklin, Google (at-large member)
Progress During the first official Board meeting on August 29, the Board: Approved its operating procedures; Officially formed and approved membership of the STI-GA Technical Committee; Elected Board leadership -- Chair, Linda Vandeloop (AT&T); Vice-Chair, Glenn Clepper (NCTA/Charter Communications); Solicited participants for three task forces -- RFP Task Force – preparing RFP for release in November; Corporate Structure Task Force – examining establishing a corporate structure for the STI-GA; and Contribution Recoupment Task Force – examining if start-up funding contributions by Board members can be recouped in the future.
Future Work The STI-GA will now focus on the development of the RFP for the STI-Policy Administrator (STI-PA). Per the CATA WG report, this RFP is scheduled to be issued by the STI-GA in November. The RFP TF has already begun its meetings and joint TC/RFP TF meetings are planned to expedite work on the RFP. The work of the Corporate Structure and Contribution Recoupment Task Forces will also begin their work shortly. Additional STI-GA Board representatives will be considered. For more information, please see the STI-GA website at:
Questions? Tom Goode Linda Vandeloop (AT&T) ATIS General Counsel STI-GA Chair Jim McEachern Glenn Clepper (NCTA/Charter Communications) Acting STI-GA Director STI-GA Vice Chair