Creating the constitution
Constitutional Convention Big Idea: a new constitution provided a framework for a stronger national government Main Idea: The Constitutional Convention met to improve the government of the United States May 1787 – Philadelphia’s Independence Hall Goal – how to improve the Articles of Confederation James Madison – becomes known as the “Father of the Constitution”
Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan Edmund Randolph presented Virginia Plan Sovereignty – supreme power- to Central Government Bicameral – 2 house legislation Based on state population – Larger states would have more representation Favored Large States William Paterson presented New Jersey Plan Gave federal government power to tax citizens in all states and regulate commerce, more power to State Govt’s Unicameral – one house legislature Each state had equal number of votes, equal voice Favored Small States
The Great Compromise Main Idea: issue over representation led to Great Compromise Roger Sherman proposes a compromise – to make concessions to reach an agreement Bicameral legislation - Senate – 2 representatives (no matter size) upper house House of Representatives – representation would be based on population of state (lower house)
Three – Fifths compromise Main Idea: Regional debate over slavery led to the three-fifths compromise South – Wanted slaves to counted as part of their population North – Wanted slaves counted only to determine taxes, but not for representation Three-Fifths Compromise – only 3/5’s of a slave state’s population would count when determining representation