Beowulf: Lines 1681-1750 Hrothgar looks at the hilt Beowulf gives him. It is etched with images of history.
Hrothgar promises Beowulf friendship for-ev-er. Beowulf: Lines 1681-1750 Hrothgar promises Beowulf friendship for-ev-er.
Hrothgar tells a story about kind Heremod. Beowulf: Lines 1681-1750 Hrothgar tells a story about kind Heremod. King Heremod was not friendly with Ecgwala’s sons (the Danish people). He was cruel and eventually lost all happiness in his life. Hrothgar wants Beowulf to learn from that and not let his fame and power change him.
No life is immune to danger. Beowulf: Lines 1750-1820 Lessons learned: Life is a fragile thing. No life is immune to danger.
The warriors feast and rest. Beowulf: Lines 1750-1820 The warriors feast and rest. Beowulf and his band of warriors prepare to depart Denmark.
Hrethric (Hrothgar’s son) and Beowulf can be allies Beowulf: Lines 1820-1840 Hrethric (Hrothgar’s son) and Beowulf can be allies Hrethric is set to be the successor of the Danish throne, and Beowulf is all sorts of ready to become the King of the Geats. When both are kings, they can work together as allies.
The Geats sail back to Hygelac and their kingdom. Beowulf: Lines 1900-1980 The Geats sail back to Hygelac and their kingdom.
Queen Hygd— Hygelac’s wife—is introduced. Beowulf: Lines 1900-1980 Queen Hygd— Hygelac’s wife—is introduced. She tells a story about her “opposite queen,” Queen Modthryth, how she did not follow the heroic code and nothing good comes of it.
Beowulf: Lines 1980-2100 Beowulf and his men are welcomed and share stories about their experience.
Beowulf then tells about Grendel’s mother. Beowulf: Lines 2100-2180 Beowulf then tells about Grendel’s mother.
There is an exchange of gifts. Beowulf: Lines 2100-2180 There is an exchange of gifts. Beowulf gives Hygelac the treasures he won with the Danes, and Hygelac rewards Beowulf for his deeds and bravery by giving him a sword (a high honor back in the day) and lots of land.