9-11 Project
DIRECTIONS Your job is to use the picture frame to illustrate the documentary film 9-11 as a frame story (a story within a story.) Using images taken from the Internet, create a montage of photos that captures the action of the “picture” (the Tony story) surrounded by the “frame” (the 9-11 story). Copy, paste, manipulate and animate your photos. Place the 9-11 photos on the “frame,” and the Tony photos in the picture. You may incorporate video and audio (the quickest way to an “A+ ”) The photos assembled in the “picture” should follow the plot line left to right. The “frame” photos should parallel the plot line.
FURTHER DIRECTIONS You may draw a plot chart – or not. It’s up to you - it’s your PowerPoint slide. There are many images on the Net from the actual documentary that you may use. You may also use images that are not from the documentary. Experiment with a variety of images, sizes, and animation . Use technology to creatively tell both stories and show the relationship between them.
RUBRIC No computer – do by hand. You may draw or cut pictures and paste. Due Friday, Sept. 24 before class. Drop in my Drop box for your class. 10 Points off for each day late. My drop box is sawozny A Quest grade will be awarded. Grades determined by following directions and using creativity, as well as overall appearance. Each person’s will be exhibited!