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Intentional Torts Conflict Tort Actions Case Law As you know, our relationship with XYZ Call Center has been deteriorating for some time. I have researched some possible civil tort actions that we can bring against the call center as well as some relevant case law that will help us shore up our case
AvailableTort Actions Intentional torts against property Trover: Conversion of chattels Trespass to Chattels Definition of Trover: “The exercise of substantial dominion over an article of personal property that it is effectively converted to the tortfeaser's sole use. Trover is essentially a forced sale to the converter” (Snyder, 1992). Definition of Trespass to Chattels: “An intermeddling with the chattel of another that is short of a full conversion”(Snyder, 1992).
Intent of Torts: Trover Intent to Convert Larcenous Intent As an intentional tort, intent to exercise substantial dominion over the article is required. Since the call center has refused to return our laser copier this can help establish that they have certain purpose, intent, or design to keep and convert it for their own use (Snyder, 1992). We do not have to prove that they had larcenous intent. Showing Intent to convert the copier is enough, and they cannot use the defense that they were mistaken about the ownership of the copier (Snyder, 1992).