Welcome to Open House! Mrs. Castle Biology
Background Ironwood Ridge graduate…sorry! B.S. in Microbiology M.S.Ed. in Secondary Science Education Student teaching at Amphitheater High School This is my third year teaching at CDO!
My Philosophy Every child is capable of learning Every child learns differently Differentiating instruction is the key to success in my classroom
My Class Focuses On… Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving Cooperative Group Learning Literacy Skills Organizational Skills Hands-On Activities
Biology Fall Unit 1: Into to Biology Unit 2: Chemistry of Life Unit 3: Cell Structure and Function Unit 4: Cells and their Environment Unit 5: How Cells Acquire Energy Spring Unit 6: Patterns of Inheritance Unit 7: Molecular Genetics Unit 8: Evolution Unit 9: Ecology
Please check grades on Tyler Parent Portal!! 40% = Tests & Quizzes 30% = Labs, Lab Reports & Projects 20% = Bellwork/Exit Questions, Classwork, Homework & Participation 10% = Final Exam Please check grades on Tyler Parent Portal!!
Remind If you would like to join… Text @mrsjcastle to 81010
Parents Can Help Encourage your child to do test corrections & retake quizzes during tutorial! Encourage regular studying Make a good study environment at home Email or call me if you have concerns or just want an update: 696-5620 jcastle@amphi.com
TUTORIAL!! Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday….I am in my room from 7:45am until 2nd period begins Tutoring Make-up assignments Make-up labs (very important) Quiz retakes Safe place to hangout before school starts
Contact Information jcastle@amphi.com 696-5620