Give thanks for…everything! GRATITUDE Give thanks for…everything!
What does gratitude mean? Gratitude is commonly know as a feeling of being grateful or thankful. In more detail, gratitude can be broken into two parts: 1. A realization that there is goodness in the world. 2. Realizing that this goodness is outside of ourselves, or given to us by someone else.
Why is gratitude important? Gratitude has been shown to have great benefits when practiced regularly! This amazing practice has been shown to: Promote a positive attitude Improve health and well-being Relieving feelings of loneliness Lower blood pressure and improve anxiety Strengthens the immune system and the spirit Most of all, it spreads happiness to other people
How do I practice gratitude? Practicing gratitude is easy, as long as you take the time to recognize the people and events that are important in your life! To begin your life of gratefulness all you need to do is appreciate yourself and others! You can begin this by simply sitting down and writing a note every night highlighting the things your were grateful for that day. Continue this approach and in a couple weeks you will begin to feel happier, healthier, and alive!
Start today! I hope that this has given you a small glimpse at gratitude and it’s amazing affects!