Best menu asset on shop. Level Boss Games The be inspired project Tom Oliver & Davin Ward We are a games design company currently working on our first major release. Alongside our game we make Unity design tools for, and also contract out to, other developers. Best menu asset on shop. The be inspired project The original reason for applying was the grant. It has made it possible for us to actually set up, as some of the software required for starting in this industry can be expensive. With it we actually got off the ground running, and with loads of positive support from scheme staff and our mentor the future of the company is looking really positive. Over the course of the scheme we have seen success in tool development and gained some contracts as a direct result of contacts made through the business clubs. What advice would you give graduates considering applying for be inspired ? Making the most of all the opportunities this scheme provides will give you the tools you need to make your business successful, it is still up to you though. Having a group of other businesses in the same situation is a big confidence booster. When you see everyone dealing with same problem it lessens the fear of failure to a certain extent. The Future In 2 years we hope to have 2 games released with a third in development, with a small skilled team. Our plan to achieve that will be to expand the skill base of our team as soon as we can and focus on sustainability of the company rather than rapid expansion. The confidence in our own ability to get this done will be crucial in success of the business. – User talking about the Radial Menu asset on the Unity Asset Store Our game at Insomnia 60 (left) Davin and Tom at Insomnia 60 (right)