AP World Review: Video #10: Shamanism, Animism, And Ancestor Veneration (Key Concept 2.1, IV, A) Everything You Need To Know About Shamanism, Animism, And Ancestor Veneration To Succeed In AP World www.APWorldReview.com
Shamanism What are shamans? One who can contact the spirit world Often, shamans are perceived to be healers of illnesses Located in many societies Chavin in Andean South America Art was believed to be influenced by visions of shamans
Animism What is it? Belief that everything in nature possesses a spirit Animals, rocks, trees, mountains, etc. Popular during the Paleolithic Era Also in areas of Africa, and Asia
Ancestor Veneration What is it? Holding reverence (respect) for deceased ancestors Practiced in many ancient cultures Rome - display images of ancestors Asia - China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam
Quick Recap Animism vs. Shaminism Importance of Ancestor Veneration
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