2016-2017 Dickerson Science Olympiad Team 6th – 8th Grade Division B Dr. Kaht Ms. Crain
Please complete the application form for this year’s team on the Science Olympiad Blog Team Fee is $30 This covers our registration, t-shirts, and miscellaneous expenses.
We meet Wednesday mornings at 8:15 am in the Media Center. Latin students coming from Walton will join us in the Media Center when their bus arrives. Our morning meetings are scheduled to meet with your partners and discuss your events and progress.
Check The Science Olympiad Blog Often!!! Its Under Dr. Kaht’s Name On The DMS Home Page
Please indicate if are in Honor Band, Math Club, or any other activity that would have priority over Science Olympiad. We still want you to compete, however we will have you as part of B Team. It is unfair to your partner and team to work toward our competition only to cancel at the last moment.
Projected Division B Events for 2016
IFE, PERSONAL & SOCIAL SCIENCE EARTH & SPACE SCIENCE PHYSICAL SCIENCE & CHEMISTRY TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING INQUIRY & NATURE OF SCIENCE Anatomy & Physiology (Nervous, Sense Organs, Endocrine) Disease Detectives (Food Illness) Ecology Invasive Species Microbe Mission Dynamic Planet (Tectonics) Meteorology (Severe Storms) Reach for the Stars Road Scholar Rocks and Minerals Physics Hovercraft Optics Wind Power Chemistry Crime Busters Food Science Mission Possible Scrambler Towers Wright Stuff Bottle Rocket Experimental Design Fast Facts Write It Do It
Life, Personal & Social Science Anatomy & Physiology (Nervous, Sense Organs, Endocrine) Disease Detectives (Food Illness) Ecology Invasive Species Microbe Mission
Earth & Space Science Dynamic Planet (Tectonics) Meteorology (Severe Storms) Reach for the Stars Road Scholar Rocks and Minerals
Physical Science & Chemistry Physics Hovercraft Optics Wind Power Chemistry Crime Busters Food Science
Technology & Engineering Mission Possible Scrambler Towers Wright Stuff
Inquiry & Nature of Science Bottle Rocket Experimental Design Fast Facts Write It Do It
Let’s Have A Great Year!