THE OA AND CUB SCOUTING The Orders Role OA and Cub Scouting The Orders Role
THE OA AND CUB SCOUTING The Orders Role Develop support systems for use by the lodge in furthering Webelos to Scout transition programs and Cub Scout camping. Role of the Order of the Arrow * OA Strategic Plan A Legacy of Servant Leadership
THE OA AND CUB SCOUTING The Orders Role The lodge provided manpower, resources, and/or program assistance in support of the Scout councils Cub Scout outdoor program and Webelos transition to Boy Scouts Quality Lodge Requirement 15 Quality Lodge – Requirement 15
THE OA AND CUB SCOUTING The Orders Role Cub Scouts Courtesy: US Army Corps of Engineers Cub Scouting is a year-round family-oriented part of the BSA program designed for boys who are in first through fifth grades (or are 7, 8, 9, and 10 years of age). Parents, leaders, and organizations work together to achieve the 10 purposes of Cub Scouting: 1. Character Development 2. Spiritual Growth 3. Good Citizenship 4. Sportsmanship and Fitness 5. Family Understanding 6. Respectful Relationships 7. Personal Achievement 8. Friendly Service 9. Fun and Adventure 10. Preparation for Boy Scouts
THE OA AND CUB SCOUTING The Orders Role Advancement Recognition is important to boys. The advancement plan provides fun for the boys, gives them a sense of personal achievement as they earn badges, and strengthens family understanding as adult family members work with boys on advancement projects.
THE OA AND CUB SCOUTING The Orders Role Camping Age Appropriate Theme oriented (e.g. Knights, Ships, Pirates) One-to-one ratio of adults to Cubs Mom and Me / Dad and Lad – Family Camp Webelos Dens with Scout Troops on overnighters
THE OA AND CUB SCOUTING The Orders Role What are some things an Order of the Arrow chapter or lodge can do to support the Cub Scout Program? Brainstorming Activity
THE OA AND CUB SCOUTING The Orders Role Support Outdoor Cub Scout Activities Cub Day Camp / Resident Camp Support Cub Camping Promotion Financial Support Lodge sponsored events at Council Expos Webelos to Scout transition activities Crossover Ceremonies Webelos Woods (overnighters) Some thoughts…
THE OA AND CUB SCOUTING The Orders Role Other Ideas Staff for District/Council Cub events Service Projects Promote Advancement Some thoughts…
THE OA AND CUB SCOUTING The Orders Role Planning Activity Group 1 – Cub Scout Camp Promotions Campaign Group 2 – Council Expo Demonstration Group 3 – Lodge Cub Scout Committee Group 4 – Webelos Overnight Program
THE OA AND CUB SCOUTING The Orders Role Official Cub Scouting Site