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Orange Web Technologies Feature List Of Online Payroll & HRMS System For growing businesses Prepared By: Orange Web Technologies
Introduction Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Introduction Online payroll & HRMS Software will reduce the work load of HR, employees of company and other staff. In addition to that it also facilitate confidentiality, produce error-free information automatically and faster access of HR related information of various branches. It manages the entire information of the Employees from the time they are recruited till the time they leave the company. Orange Techno lab will be deployed in Desktop/ Server with the features mentioned below. Web space will be created which will be on unique URL. There will be facility to create multiple company and multiple branches and use same Data base for all. There will be three login penal Main Administrator Branch Administrator Employee self service Admin will have the permission to create bulk users at a time and give rights for manage modules. Exp. HR Manager, Supervisor ,account manager
Objective of Software Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses As we understood from the market, Main objective to handle Online browser based application that automates processes employee life-cycle. Employee life-cycle: Résumé handling, Induction and on-boarding, promotions, transfers, appraisals and salaries, skills mapping and training. Employee online attendance and late mark detail and effected in salary as per company rule Employees should be able to view their Salaries, Loans, Leave on line Employees need to apply for Leave on line and the sanction happen on line and the summary should be considered for salary calculation Employees need to have the facility to enter the reimbursement details on line and that data to be updated in Salary Calculation Package. Employees will mark the change in their detail; Utility should be able to update such records.
Key Module Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Employee Information Employee Appraisal /Transfer / Promotion track Leave Management Loan Management Claim Management Employee In/out Summary Salary Details Recruitment Employee Training Reports
Online Payroll & HRMS Process Cycle For growing businesses Online Payroll & HRMS Process Cycle
Key Features Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses All HR processes from candidate entry till employee exit are fully automated Do HR & Payroll activities and employee self service functions from wherever, whenever in a few clicks System provides to create multiple companies. System provides to create Multiple branches and data of various branches can be accessed according to branch wise. Administrator can give access rights of add, update, view and delete of information to different user like HR, Supervisor or branch Manager. Employees have their own user Id and password to access their account. (Employee Self Service Module) System provided online attendance facility for multiple Locations. Attendance device (RF / Biometric) can be integrated for getting attendance records of employee.
Key Features Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Week off, late marks and Overtime can be done through general setting. Various alerts are also provided Dash board when user or admin logs into system. User defines Allowance, Reimbursement, claim, leave, loan & advances and other HR policy can be handled through software. System also provides generation of various reports and allows export & Import via excel / third party software. Reports are generated according to Company’s rules. System also provides Email and SMS notification facility. As per assign user rights and branch login & admin login history should be maintain and display to admin user
Recruitment Module Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Staffing Request form (request send by manager only) Approval of Vacancies from HR and post it throw email Publishing Requirements to Website/ Newspaper Save data of Applied candidates/ Resume Repository ** Online Resume Submission & Resume Filtering Interview Scheduling data and auto mail & reminder Interview Call of filtered candidate send via email Appointment Letter Printing / email Automatically generates acknowledgment letters, interview invitations etc. Selected candidate get appointment letter and HR/admin get reminder and branch admin if authority of branch manager Maintain Skill sheet for each employee Allows identification of key positions in the organization and their mapping to required skills, competencies, job descriptions, qualifications and experience profiles
Recruitment Module Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Recruitment Module Training Request from Employee/ Department and Approval Trainer Database Management Training Scheduling Informing Trainer and Trainee on mail 360° feedback Training Performance Tracking (Trainer and Trainee, manager) Track Training Costs by type - department-wise cost allocations Training History maintenance
Training Management Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Maintains a Skill sheet for each employee Allows identification of key positions in the organization and their mapping to required skills, competencies, job descriptions, qualifications and experience profiles Training Request from Employee/ Department and Approval Trainer Database Management Training Scheduling Informing Trainer and Trainee on mail 360° feedback Training Performance Tracking (Trainer and Trainee , manager) Track Training Costs by type - department-wise cost allocations Training History maintenance
Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Training Management
Employee Information Online Payroll & HRMS Employee Profile For growing businesses Employee Information Employee Profile Contact Emergency Contacts Dependants Immigration Jobs & Assets Reporting Experience Education Skills Language Attachment Allowance Salary Insurance Staff accommodation module
Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Login Screen
Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses
Employee Information Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Employee Information It keeps tracks of all necessary details of employee such as Employee Code, Grade, Designation, Joining Date, Contact Details, Immigration Information, Job task, Skills, Basic Salary. In addition to that it also maintains record of Week off, Probation period, Shift & Late mark of every employee. Tracking past employee information : It also takes into consideration of Notice period, Asset issue, Pending Loans & Leaves and prepares Full & Final settlement, Feed Back for company, Salary History & Reason of leaving the company.
Employee Appraisal & Transfer Module Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Employee Appraisal & Transfer Module How do we asses Employee? The promotions in the organization are usually governed by the following factors: How well an employee performed in his / her present job. How much potential an employee has for future responsibilities. How much additional knowledge he / she have acquired for further advancement. Personal attribute, work habits, attitude towards self and others, ability to get along with the team, leadership qualities, personal contribution to the success of the company determines his / her competence for promotion. Feedback given by all those who work with the employee such as his / her superiors, subordinates, peers and the customers.
Employee Appraisal & Transfer Module Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Employee Appraisal & Transfer Module These All Points Covered by Online HRMS & Payroll and make it easy for HR. All relevant data (such as job descriptions, past appraisals, self appraisals, third-party assessments, goals and objectives, journal notes, etc.) is accessible through a single, secure, convenient portal. Employee at various location , department, grade, qualification Details of Employee Completing Probation period, Maximum grade limit List of employees process wise List of employees project wise List of employees team wise Promotion / Transfer Details Warning letters details
Employee Appraisal & Transfer Module Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Employee Appraisal & Transfer Module 360° feedback Training Performance Tracking This leads to dramatically more useful and actionable feedback for the appraise, with resultant hugely enhanced behavior and Performance improvement. PEERS: Questions about teamwork (and related). CUSTOMERS: Questions about customer service (and related). MANAGER/S: Questions about the employee's job competency and behaviors. DIRECT REPORTS: Questions about the manager's management style and practices. (Post Salary, grade, Effective Date ,new designation,% increase in salary, Reason for Promotion - Demotion) Next revision date & reminders Appraiser can post comments and set objectives for those appraised. Follow up on these objectives can be done through the system. User defined Competencies for different levels of appraisal User defined appraisal reasons and ratings
Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses
Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses 360 Feed Back Of Employee
Leave Management Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Company wise Leave Policy – user define leave Grade-wise Paid / Unpaid. Leave Application: Employee can apply for leave online & HR/Authorized user will get alert notification for same. Employee Leave Approval : it can be approved by the Supervisor or admin or hr manager –on the basis of leave balance of employee and availability of alternate employee Employee Leave Carry Forward: leave carry forward process done automatically as defined period in leave master. Leave Cancellation: if leave is approved incase if employee remain present on that day then admin can cancel the leave. Leave Encashment: employee can put request of leave Encashment after define period of that leave and admin get alert for that and also save all records.
Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses
Advance/Loan Management Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Advance/Loan Management Loan Master: Here admin or any authorized person can define the type of loan/Advance and define the maximum limit that is to be approved for that particular Grade of Employee. Loan Application: Employee can apply for loan through loan application and the authorized user or admin will get alert for new application. Loan Approval: Admin has rights to approve the loan requested by any employee. Loan Payment: Admin will maintain the record and make the entry of loan installment or loan payment by the employee and can be directly deducted from salary in installment.
Claim Management Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Claim Management Claim Master: Here admin or any authorized person can define the type of claim and the maximum limit that is to be approved for that particular claim like travel expense, Medical expense, Mobile bills or Accommodation. Claim Application: Employee can make a request for claim and can also attach the required document for claim application and the authorized user or admin will get alert for new application. Admin can also make the entry for the claim application on the behalf of any employee. Claim Approval: Admin has rights to approve the claim requested by any employee by verifying the document attached by employee at the time of request. Claim Payment: Admin will manage the record of claim payment.
Salary Details Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses OT Approve Daily: It will calculate and display the working hours and OT (Over Time) hours of selected employee on the daily basis. Admin can modify the OT hours that is to be approved and save the details which will calculated in the salary. OT Approve Monthly: It will calculate and display the working hours and OT (Over Time) hours of selected employee as per selected dates. Admin can modify the OT hours and can approve the details which will effect on salary. Bonus Details: Admin can give bonus amount to any employee as per company norms. Admin can set the criteria on the basis of “Basic Salary”, “Gross”, “Consolidated” and “Fix”. Bonus can also be effective in salary by selecting month and year. Bonus can be given in Fix amount or on basis of percentage. Advance Detail: Admin can manage the advance details of any employee based on Monthly Attendance – present / absent – salary is process.
Salary Management Details Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Salary Management Details Monthly Salary: System will automatically calculate salary of employee on basis of In/Out entries, approved OTs, Loan, Leave Details, Arrears, Deduction, IT Tax and Advance of that employee for selected month and year. After saving the record, it will display the net amount of salary that is to be paid to employee. Manual Salary: System will calculate the salary of selected employee on selected month and year on the basis of details entered by admin. Auto emailing facility to each employee. Salary Settlements: Admin will make the salary settlements if required after the appraisal of the employee. Full and Final Settlements: System will automatically calculate pending dues, leaves, loan, assets and any outstanding salary in the case of employee leaving the company or organization.
Reports Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses System will generate the various reports that can be viewed and export in different formats like PDF, Word, Excel, XML, and Editable RTF. Reports can also be generated by selecting branch, grade, department, designation, status In addition to that it also provides the facility of grouping the records.
Following are the some of the important Reports of the system: Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Following are the some of the important Reports of the system: Employee Reports Employee List Employee CTC Detail Employee Shift change Report Left Employee History Increment Reports- to view increment due list, increment details and Increment amount reports. Promotion -to view Promotion details of Employees. Facility to select date Periods. Re-designation Reports of re-designation of employees. Transfer Reports on Employee transfers. Attendance Report Employee In/Out summary Late Mark summary Details Attendance Register
Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Leave Reports Leave Approval Report Leave Balance Report Yearly Leave Summary Report Loan / Advance and Salary Report Loan Reports Salary Slip Salary Register with Allowance/Deduction Yearly Salary summary Employee Overtime Report Employee Advance Report Settlement Report Statutory Report which contains PF, ESIC, PT, IT reports and Gratuity and Bonus Report
Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Recruitment Detail Reports Recruitment- applicant wise Extensive Recruitment Related and MIS Reports Training Reports Training Calendar Report on Training calendar - list of trainings scheduled date wise. Training Record Report on Training Details - date, number of employees attended, cost Involved, employee details etc. Training Feedback Report on Employee feedback of trainings attended. Supervisor Feedback Employee skill Letters These are various letters that a company issues to its Employees Offer letters, Appointment letters, Increment Letter, Disciplinary Letters, Exit letters etc
Contact Detail Online Payroll & HRMS For growing businesses Mr. Ankur Sales Enquiry Mr. Ankur +91-9426068968 Mr. ANKUR PATEL(Marketing Director) 7th floor 703 Kataria Arcade, Beside Adani School, Makarba, Sarkhej Gandhinagar Highway, Ahmedabad - 380051, Gujarat, INDIA. Mobile - (+91) 94260 68968 INDIA -Tel / Fax : +91-79-29706800 USA – +1 -973 -388 -6545 orangewebtech orangewebtech Enquiry : ankur@orangeskool.com URL : www.orangewebtech.com www.payrollsoftware.co.in Support : Payroll :- +91 79 40068968 / 29706800