The Five Themes of Geography
It is position on the earth Location Answers the question, “Where is it?” It is position on the earth Absolute location – exact location using latitude and longitude lines. Relative location – explanation of where a place is in reference to another using direction (N, S, E, W)
Regions Regions are areas that share at least one common feature or physical characteristic Countries, states and cities are political regions. Features such as climate and culture can define regions. Places can be found in more than one region.
Natural and human features identify place. What is it like there? Natural and human features identify place. Specific places can be identified by… landforms language climate people plants culture animals religion
How people, goods, and ideas move from place to place. Movement How people, goods, and ideas move from place to place. What happens in one place affects another.
How humans and their environment affect each other. Interaction How humans and their environment affect each other. People change their environment to make their lives easier. They also adapt, and depend on it. Environment affects how people live, work, dress, travel and communicate.