Rhetorical Devices Ethos, Pathos, Logos
What is a Rhetorical Question? How many times do I have to ask you to clean up your room? Were you born in a barn? If your friends jumped off a bridge would you jump too? Would you like fries with that?
Aristotle Greek philosopher who lived in the 4th century BC 300s BC A thinker for a living Wrote on many subjects Logic Ethics Biology Metaphysics
and RHETORIC The art of persuading people with speaking or writing He wrote a book called On Rhetoric where he deals with three ideas on persuasion Ethos- which means literally moral character Pathos-Greek for suffering or emotions Logos-which is Greek for word or reason
A visual
Ethos An appeal to authority and credibility (think ethics) Convincing an audience with a reliable source or argument 5 out of 6 doctors recommend this brand When I was starting my own business I…. As a lawyer, I would… Or my favorite Because I am your mother and I say so
Ethos example How is this ethos?
Pathos An appeal to emotions Persuade by getting an emotional response from the audience or reader Appeal to hopes, dreams, fears, worries, or beliefs It would make me so happy if you would… I’ll be your best friend if you… I am going to hit you if you… It isn’t very smart of you to…
Pathos example How is this pathos?
Logos Appeal to logic and reasoning Uses facts and rationality Prove your argument Those who don’t graduate from high school make $500,000 less on average than those who do over a lifetime Smoking three cigarettes a day will shorten your lifespan by 6 years 57% of all statistics are made up 49% of people who see this won’t get the irony
Logos example How is this logos?
Three other words to know and consider Audience: the person/people who will read or hear your argument (argument is what you are trying to persuade someone of; not a fight) Purpose: the reason why you have developed and are presenting this argument Tone: the attitude you take toward your audience How do you talk to friends? How do you talk a boss? How do you talk to a judge?
Practice You will be watching 4 videos and answering four questions for each: Who is the audience? What is the purpose? What is the tone used? Which rhetorical device(s) is/are used? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfAxUpeVhCg&index=2&list=PL4xtxvniNLLlQgG21fLlp82q1qtIkKI Do