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Presentation transcript:

Key question / Learning outcomes How can we use 6 figure grid references to find places? To be successful you need to… Be able to use 4 figure grid references and the key to find places and map symbols Use 6 figure grid references to pin-point exact locations and symbols

What problem will you have? Imagine you are in London sight seeing… …you arrange to meet your friends in a church in this area… What problem will you have? New Information

Has this solved the problem? 23 23 22 22 64 65 66 Lets add some grid lines… You are meeting your friends at 65, 22 Has this solved the problem? We can add even more detail to give 6 figure grid references… For example meet your friends at 652, 224 Can you work out how this works? New Information

Six Figure Grid References You can break each grid reference up further, by imagining that the grid is broken up into tenths. The numbers 0-9 are used to show how close to the first grid reference the point is.

Six Figure Grid References First of all, record the Easting grid reference. Now add the number that indicates how far across the item is. (0-9) Grid reference: 58 Within the grid: 3 Easting reference: 583

Six Figure Grid References Then record the Northing grid reference. Now add the number that indicates how far across the item is. (0-9) Grid reference: 32 Within the grid: 5 Northing reference: 325

Six Figure Grid Reference To write a six figure grid reference we place the Easting and the Northing together The six figure reference for this example is 583325

How do 6 figure grid references work? Demonstrate 15 Lets practice our new skill… Give the 6 figure grid references for… 14 13 How did you do? 12 84 85 86 87

Activity Complete this sentence… 6 figure grid references are useful because…