Preparing Drafts 1 and 2
Criteria for Excellence W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 Exciting content, exploring different angles Use of examples (link and comparison to Hitler) creates a bigger sense of horror Appropriate Argue/Persuade structure Introduction grabs the attention of the reader, ideally linked in the conclusion Effective rhetorical devices used throughout References evidence and facts to show the Olympics’ true purpose (rules) Using symbolism (“5 rings”) and imagery (“stain”) Repetition (of words or ideas) to emphasise ideas Questions engage the reader Contrast for effect Emotive language (“teenagers” not adults) Varied sentence structures Short sentences for simplicity and fact (I am gay. I am a jew) Topic sentences and discourse markers used Paragraphs logically structured and originally manipulated (eg, one sentence/one word paragraphs) Sophisticated punctuation Rich vocabulary, correctly spelled Lots of emotion using powerful images (of destruction) Grammatically accurate Tone and formality appropriate to task Directly talks to the addressee (forces communication with Cameron)
Learning tools –importance of feedback and communication W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 Exciting content, exploring different angles Use of examples (link and comparison to Hitler) creates a bigger sense of horror Appropriate Argue/Persuade structure Introduction grabs the attention of the reader, ideally linked in the conclusion Effective rhetorical devices used throughout References evidence and facts to show the Olympics’ true purpose (rules) Using symbolism (“5 rings”) and imagery (“stain”) Repetition (of words or ideas) to emphasise ideas Questions engage the reader Contrast for effect Emotive language (“teenagers” not adults) Varied sentence structures Short sentences for simplicity and fact (I am gay. I am a jew) Topic sentences and discourse markers used Paragraphs logically structured and originally manipulated (eg, one sentence/one word paragraphs) Sophisticated punctuation Rich vocabulary, correctly spelled Lots of emotion using powerful images (of destruction) Grammatically accurate Tone and formality appropriate to task Directly talks to the addressee (forces communication with Cameron)
Sequence You have already worked on weaknesses from W2-5 in the first week We will focus on the learning tools for W1 (devices, intro, a/p structure, planning) This will enable you to prepare a plan and draft for your formal Argue and Persuade Coursework You will devise a title – confirmed with AB You will then plan around it and prioritise your best arguments –peer-checked You will then devise a skeleton frame of plan (three foundational sentences of introduction, then topic sentences of every paragraph following) – AB assessed We will practise peer-assessment, and I will provide you with a list of all resources you need ready for your essay drafting. At this point we will move on to Writing to Describe *** PATERNITY LEAVE *** You will draft version 1 of your Argue and Persuade essay (in class – so...) Your draft will be peer-assessed (completing peer-assessment handout), and returned to you for redrafting. You will draft version 2 of your Argue and Persuade essay, to be emailed to AB (
Importance of planning Get the right structure Focus for Drafts 1 and 2 Importance of planning 4 W1 Exciting content, exploring different angles Use of examples (link and comparison to Hitler) creates a bigger sense of horror Appropriate Argue/Persuade structure Introduction grabs the attention of the reader, ideally linked in the conclusion Effective rhetorical devices used throughout References evidence and facts to show the Olympics’ true purpose (rules) Using symbolism (“5 rings”) and imagery (“stain”) Repetition (of words or ideas) to emphasise ideas Questions engage the reader Contrast for effect Emotive language (“teenagers” not adults) 3 Attention-grabbing tactics Get the right structure 2 AFOREST & SIASAMOP 1
Learning Objective 1. AFOREST and SIASAMOP To learn the mnemonics AFOREST and SIASAMOP To identify and apply rhetorical and figurative devices in your work WHY SHOULD I? Using rhetorical devices lifts your writing and makes it much more effective. I also look for these specifically in assessment ( and )
Rhetorical Devices and Figurative Language AFOREST SIASAMOP A Alliteration, assertion, anecdote, audience F Facts, Figurative Language O Opinions, organisation R Repetition, Rhetorical Questions, rewards, rule of 3 E Exaggeration, experts, emotive language, examples S Statistics, short sentences T Tone S Similes, Semantic Fields I Imagery A Alliteration, adjective S Sibilance A Assonance M Metaphor O Onomatopoeia P Personification
TASK – on the handouts... Add an example for each device on: (1) AFOREst table (2) SIAsamop table (3) EXTENSION DEVICES TABLE > Submit to AB