ECNG 1014: Digital Electronics Lecture 1: Course Overview Dr. Lucien Ngalamou This presentation can be used for non-commercial purposes as long as this note and the copyright footers are not removed © Lucien Ngalamou – All rights reserved
Staff Contact Information In-charge and Lecturer Dr. Lucien Ngalamou – (Room 220, xt 3140) Teaching Assistant Patrick Browne Lab Aides (LAs) Partick Browne Emilie Ramatour Design styles (c) Lucien Ngalamou
Recommended Books (c) Lucien Ngalamou
Goals and Prerequisites (c) Lucien Ngalamou
Objectives (c) Lucien Ngalamou
Overview of Labs Lab #1: Representation of Information (Application of your programming skills in C/C++) Lab #2: Technology (TTL/CMOS characteristics) Lab #3: Simulation and Rapid Prototyping of a simple digital circuit Lab #4: MSI Counters and Registers Lab #5: Introduction to VHDL with Xilinx ISE Tool Lab #6: (c) Lucien Ngalamou
Grading and Collaboration (c) Lucien Ngalamou
Some Definitions What is Engineering? What is Digital Electronics? Purposeful use of science What is Digital Electronics? Use of electrical circuits (digital circuits) to process and transform information. Information are seen as set of discrete values (“0” or “1”) Genesis of Digital Electronics Claude Shannon noticed similarities between Boolean Algebra and electronic telephone switches Shannon’s 1937 MIT Master’s Thesis introduces the world to binary digital electronics (c) Lucien Ngalamou
65 Years of Digital Electronics UNIVAC = IBM = Industrial Business Machines VLSI = Very-large Scale Integrated (c) Lucien Ngalamou
How do we describe Digital Circuits? Using Logic symbols Using Logic (Boolean) Equations Using Truth Tables Using Block Diagrams (inputs/outputs) Using Timing Diagrams Using Text Notation such as Register Transfer Language (RTL) or Hardware descriptive Languages (VHDL, Verilog). (c) Lucien Ngalamou
Digital and Analog Quantities Electronics circuits can be divided in three broad categories: digital, analog, and mixed analog-digital. Digital electronics deals with signals that represent discrete values, analog electronics involves continuous values. In practice the majority of electronic systems are mixed analog-digital systems. In these systems, digital electronics is used for processing/presentation, while analog electronics for amplification/transmission (c) Lucien Ngalamou
Homework #1 Imagine the scenario of a phone call using a cellular phone. Sketch its analog and digital functionalities. (c) Lucien Ngalamou
How do we see the physical world? (c) Lucien Ngalamou
Electronic systems Systems on chip are everywhere Technology advances enable increasingly more complex designs Challenges: Ride the technology wave Cope with design complexity (c) Lucien Ngalamou
Integrated circuits Systems on Chip (SoC) Systems in a package (SiP) Multi-processing SoCs (MPSoCs) Systems in a package (SiP) Silicon technology (CMOS) Down scaling of feature sizes Nanotechnologies on the horizon … Different design styles To address performance and cost issues (c) Lucien Ngalamou
Integrated Circuit Design Styles Custom Standard Cells Compiled Cells Ma cro Cells Cell-based Pre-diffused (Gate Arrays) Pre-wired (FPGA's) Array-based Semicustom Digital Circuit Implementation Approaches (c) Lucien Ngalamou
Cell-based Design (or standard cells) Routing channel requirements are reduced by presence of more interconnect layers (c) Lucien Ngalamou
Field Programmable Gate Arrays Xilinx 4000 Interconnect Architecture 12 Quad 8 Single 4 Double 3 Long Direct CLB 2 Connect 3 Long 12 4 4 8 4 8 4 2 Quad Long Global Long Double Single Global Carry Direct Clock Clock Chain Connect (c) Lucien Ngalamou Courtesy Xilinx
Summary Computer-aided IC design methodology: Capture design by HDL models Synthesize more detailed abstractions Optimize circuit parameters Computer-aided system design methodology: Support for Hardware/Software co-design Synthesis of hardware, software and interfaces Evolving scientific discipline (c) Lucien Ngalamou