The Roadmap continues and looking at our next journey. President’s Day The Roadmap continues and looking at our next journey.
Strategic Priorities for 2014-2015 Core Theme #1: Advancing Student Success Increasing Student progression and completion Core Theme #3: Building Community Indicator: “Community Partnerships” Indicators 3.07-3.09 We are doing a lot of these activities – so think about how we report our achievements
Warren’s Leadership Goals Building Senior Leadership Team that supports You and Reflects the Best of the College Improving Senior Leadership Communications – Leading by Example Preparing Us for the Next Roadmap for 2016 and beyond Continue to build relationships with area middle and high schools Increased Profile to all groups = increased responsibility to be the best
First 100 Days & Core Theme 3 Reached out to all K-8 principals in our service area Reached out to all high schools in our service area and continue to make tours on their campuses Met with the Engineering Department for City of Seattle Met with members of Seattle City Council Met with leadership at Northgate Mall Met with representatives from Senator Patty Murray’s office Met with statewide politicians Held a district-wide retiree celebration