Daily Warm-Up Exercises Day 15 Describe the processes that cause rocks to change from one form to another. Any type of rock can melt and then cool to form an igneous rock. Any type of rock can weather, erode, move, and settle to form sediments, which can get compacted and cemented together to form a sedimentary rock. Any type of rock can be changed by heat and/or pressure to form a metamorphic rock. What does compacted mean? to get squeezed or pressed together so it takes up less space What does cemented mean? to get stuck together What causes the pressure on a rock beneath Earth's surface? the weight of all the rock above it Daily Warm-Up Exercises Daily Warm-Up Exercises
Daily Warm-Up Exercises Day 16 Describe the 3 types of sand: mountain stream, beach, and dune. Mountain stream = subangular & poorly sorted because not carried far. Composed of quartz, feldspar, & mica. Beach = rounded & well sorted because carried far. Composed mostly of quartz. Dune = subrounded & well sorted because carried far. Composed of quartz. What does compacted mean? to get squeezed or pressed together so it takes up less space What does cemented mean? to get stuck together What causes the pressure on a rock beneath Earth's surface? the weight of all the rock above it Daily Warm-Up Exercises Daily Warm-Up Exercises
Sand Types (Part 2) Investigation 4 My Sediments Exactly
New Sands Sand samples from different locations Beach Mountain Stream Sand Dune
Sand Investigations Use a hand lens to examine the sand samples. Record your observations on the Sand Observations worksheet.
Resource Book V2, Page 132 Type of Activity: Student Activity Objective: The purpose of this activity is to provide an opportunity for students to practice using scale legends in order to develop this skill. Procedure: Direct the students to look at the Sand 1 image on p. 35 of the CaSE resources book (image is available on the next slide). Ask the students to determine the amount of magnification in the sand 1 image using the same approach that was just discussed with the Green Sand Beech image. (The students can either complete this activity individually or in small groups) Once they have had the opportunity to do the calculation, the teacher should guide the students in sharing their answers as well as the process they used to determine the answer. [in the book,the sand is actually magnified 7 times-the line that shows 1 cm in the image is 7 cm long. Again, if you are projecting the image, you can repeat the procedure with the enlarged picture] >>>end of exercise<<< 6
Sand Analysis Sand analysis criteria: Location Shape Sorting Grain size Composition / color Wentworth Scale: Used to classify grain size * Use pages 22, 34-35 of the EH Resource Book V1, or 132-134 in V2.
Sand 1 Sand 1 is from a mountain stream: Grains were not carried far from the source rock Wide variety of sizes Not well rounded or sorted Sharp edges
Sand 2 Sand 2 is from a beach: Grains were moved a great distance from their source by water Tumbled by waves Uniform in size Composed of mostly quartz particles Well rounded
Sand 3 Sand 3 is from a sand dune Grains were buffeted by wind in a dry environment Have some flat sides Well-sorted Frosted appearance
Mystery Sand How can we identify the source? Record your observations and identifications on your worksheet.