Module Overview
From the overview of your module, briefly describe what will be addressed in each topic. Then, review the Table of Contents, dig a little deeper. What components of your topic are focused upon in each lesson? Topic A: Lessons ____________: Notes/Considerations: Which topics are new? Ones you already address? How do you feel about the “flow”? Does it change from your current practice? Do any of the bands addressed “strike” you? Are there any content pieces that you recognize students have a difficult time comprehending? What considerations may you need to contemplate when dealing with the topic?
Mid- and End-of-Module Assessment: Review a question from the mid- or end-of-module assessment. Visit the rubric components for that specific problem. What is the important component of the standard? Review the sample response Is your current student population able to accomplish this task? What do they need to know in order to complete it? How do you address the need? Terminology and Tools: What are the specific terminology and tools that are being incorporated into these modules? Are they familiar? Which can you start including into your routines?
Compare to end-of-module assessment Find the corresponding standard in the rubric Look at the question it matches Does this end-of-module assessment follow suit with the mid-module assessment? Has it developed? Notice? Wonder?