Finding Research Collaborators
What is a Collaborator? An associate who works with others toward a common goal A person who works effectively with others to identify and achieve specified results
What are Some Attributes of a Good Collaborator? Understands and serves in a variety of roles Assumes role as leader or participant appropriately Shifts roles smoothly As an expert, teaches others new skills and processes Effective facilitator Defines the goal Considers various ideas and suggests modifications Finds common ground among divergent interests Generates a variety of options Evaluates quality of ideas and potential results Works toward appropriate closure Reviews group processes and analyzes effectiveness
What are Some Attributes of a Good Collaborator? Uses resources effectively Identifies needed resources necessary to solve problems Works effectively within resource constraints Works with a variety of populations Values differences and similarities within the group Treats others with compassion Responds appropriately to complex interrelationships Balances personal and group needs Helps build consensus and resolves conflicts
Why Do We Need Collaborators? Based on what you’ve learned in the workshop this week, do you have all the expertise you need to answer your research question? What expertise do you need that collaborators can provide?
Where To Look for Collaborators? Individually, list as many sources of collaborators that you can think of – on campus and off (~2-3 minutes) Turn to a neighbor and compare lists (~2 min) Be prepared to report to the full group
In Your Journal, respond to these questions: “What expertise do you need to help design and conduct the research necessary to answer your research question?” “Where do you think you’ll find such expertise?”