RAVINDRA NANDA Professor and Head, Department of Craniofacial Sciences Chair, Division of Orthodontics
PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS American Dental Association Connecticut State Dental Association Hartford Dental Society American Association of Orthodontics European Orthodontic Society International Association of Dental Research Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists College of Diplomates of the American Board of OrthodontistsOrthodontists
As an Orthodontist, Dr. Ravindra Nanda is a well-known personality. He has started his career as a house surgeon from the King George Medical College, Lucknow, India. He was formerly working in the University of Connecticut as the Head of the Department of Craniofacial Sciences as well as the Chair of the Division of Orthodontics. Dr. Ravindra Nanda
Dr Ravindra Nanda Address: Farmington, Connecticut United State Website: