Texas Student Data System


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Texas Student Data System Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. UNIQUE ID Texas Student Data System August 2018 John Reese - Subject Matter Expert Texas Education Agency

Agenda Upcoming Changes and Reminders Best Practices 2018-2019 School Year Changes Enrollment Reminders Master Record Ownership Reminders Best Practices Loading of Enrollment Events Assignment & Enrollment Verifying Data Loads Deleting Enrollment Events Performance Monitoring UID0-000-006 Report Discussion Frequently Asked Questions Current Known Issues

Upcoming Changes and Reminders

2018-2019 School Year Changes 3 The Unique ID system will be configured to allow cumulative enrollment tracking files at the beginning of the school year. The system will be configured to allow up to 300,000 records per enrollment batch file to accommodate the submission of larger cumulative enrollment files. This record limit will be valid through September 28, 2018. After that date, TEA will reset the record limit back to 40,000 records per enrollment file.

Enrollment Reminders 4 REMINDER: LEAs will need to submit a separate enrollment batch file into the Unique ID system through the dedicated screen for managing enrollment events. REMINDER: Unique ID assignment files must not contain Enroll/Withdraw Event Type and Enroll/Withdraw Event Data. REMINDER: Only weekly enrollment event changes are needed after the initial cumulative file has been processed. REMINDER: Utilize the TSDS UID Enrollment Submission Summary Report (UID0-000-006) for monitoring the weekly submission of LEA enrollment data loads.

Master Record Ownership Reminders 5 REMINDER: UID assignment file processing gives master record ownership to the organization submitting the assignment file. REMINDER: Enrollment tracking file processing gives master record ownership to the organization with the latest enrollment record submitted.

Master Record Ownership Reminders 6 Master record ownership allows the LEA the ability to update the student demographics. Master record ownership will be updated if the student is enrolled at a new LEA. Currently the master record ownership is not changed as a result of a LEA submitting a record flagged with a delete.

Master Record Ownership Reminders 7 Pending Enhancement: TEA has requested a vendor software change to set master record ownership back to the last owning LEA if the most current enrollment is deleted. TEA expects to have this resolved in the Fall of 2018. The master record ownership will stay with the organization with the latest non-deleted enrollment record.

Best Practices

Loading of Enrollment Events 9 LEAs should send a cumulative enrollment file at the beginning of each school year. LEAs should not send in “empty” enrollment files. The user will receive an error message. If a cumulative file is sent every week, the LEA will receive error messages for duplicate records and system performance may be impacted.

Assignment & Enrollment LEAs should upload an ID Assignment file containing  any newly enrolling students on a weekly basis to avoid UID discrepancies. LEAs should resolve any near match records and ensure their SIS information and Unique-ID records are in alignment.  LEAs should never include an ID Assignment file for any student they physically do not have in attendance. LEAs should ensure an Entry event exists prior to adding a Withdraw event for a particular student. The Withdraw event record will be cancelled by the system and will not be processed.

Assignment & Enrollment LEAs can run their Enrollment Tracking reports, even if no enrollment data was submitted for that week. LEAs should run the Duplicate Enrollment Report or Movers Not Showing Withdrawn Report to determine if a student who has not been in attendance for a period of time has enrolled at another LEA. 

Verifying Data Loads Download and store your Processed and Cancelled enrollment event results files from the Unique ID application. This allows the LEA to know what records were successfully loaded into the system and to avoid duplicative data loads. Resolve any records that were not loaded successfully. The extracted file from your SIS will contain a timestamp in the name indicating when it was extracted from your SIS. The download files ‘Processed’ and ‘Cancelled’ will contain a second timestamp within the file name indicating when the file was processed.

Deleting Enrollment Events For an event record loaded in error, LEAs can delete the existing event either on-line or through a batch file. LEAs should always delete the record in error first before you make the correction. Otherwise, a new enrollment event will be created. LEAs should resolve any errors in their source system, extract the data and reload. LEAs should ensure that batch file names are unique. The system prevents a file with the same name to be processed twice. LEAs should ensure the trailer record count is accurate prior to uploading any corrections.

Performance Monitoring Any LEA that did not complete at least one UID Enrollment tracking submission between August 20, 2018 and September 14, 2018 will be identified with Leaver Records Data Validation Indicator #6. Any LEA that did not complete at least one PET and UID Enrollment Tracking submission during the 2017-2018 School Year will be identified with Leaver Records Data Validation Indicator #7.

UID0-000-006 Report Discussion UID0-000-006 TSDS Missing Event Enrollment Submission Report The current report design lists any LEA in your region that has not submitted enrollment events (batch file or on-line) for the date range specified in the report parameters. The current report will also show the last date that LEA did submit an enrollment event. Possible Enhancement: TEA will work with the focus group to understand the need to run the report multiple ways. List those LEA’s that did not submit enrollment events within a date range List those LEA’s that did submit enrollment events within a date range Both

UID0-000-006 Report Discussion

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Are we still required to send enrollment files on a weekly basis? Yes, the same rules apply as with the PET application. Weekly files are required, except when the district is not in session at least one day during the week or during the week a PEIMS collection due date occurs. If there are no changes in enrollments or withdrawals, there is no need to send a batch file update.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) How do I correct an enrollment event? Through the batch file, you can remove the event by adding an enroll/withdraw verify flag code = 04 (Delete). Once removed, you can enter a new event with the correct information. Additionally, you can correct events online through the Unique ID application. Please ensure the change is also updated in the LEA’s source system.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Can I edit an enrollment event from prior years? No. The system will restrict a user from editing an event not within the current school year. If a prior year enrollment event needs to be edited, please open a TIMS ticket and TEA will work with that LEA on resolving the issue.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) What if a Year Round School opens prior to the August 1st beginning of year start date? If the start of the Year Round school is less than 2 weeks prior to the August 1st date, you can wait until the August 1st date to begin sending in your enrollment events. For any start dates earlier than 2 weeks prior, please open a TIMS ticket for TEA assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Do I need to submit a withdrawal event for a student who changes grades during the school year before I submit the new enrollment event? Yes. This will keep that student from being reported on the Duplicate Student report.

Current Known Issues

Current Known Issues: Application 24 The following known application issues have been identified, but currently do not have a scheduled software release date. For a Retired Unique ID, the Retired Enrollment tab in the application does not have the: Grade Level, Enroll/Withdraw Date, or Enroll/Withdraw Type For manually entered enrollment events on the Enrollment tab, The ‘Source System’ dropdown will always display as ‘SIS’, regardless of the selection made.

Current Known Issues: Application cont’d 25 When editing an enrollment event, the 'Enroll/Withdraw' date is displaying the student's Date of Birth and users are unable to edit this field. The Enrollment Event Dashboard has column heading of ‘Building’ instead of ‘Campus’. The Edit Enrollment button is enabled when no data row is selected for editing. If the user clicks the button, it will just refresh the page. The Alternate Source field on the student Master Record is being set to ‘Default’ intermittently by the Web Service. The Batch download file is missing the Trans Serial Number.

Current Known Issues: Reports 26 The following known report issues are scheduled to be resolved in the software release scheduled for September 7, 2018. UID0-000-006 Missing Event enrollment Submission Report is including ID Assignment batch files that have processed and is not limiting to the Enrollment Event batch files that have processed. UID0-000-006 Missing Event enrollment Submission Report is including JJAEP’s and College Universities. UID0-000-006 Missing Event enrollment Submission Report is including Service Account entries.

Current Known Issues: Reports 26 The following known report issues have been identified, but currently do not have a scheduled software release date. UID0-000-001 Presumed Duplicate Student Report for Enrollment may be including enrollment events from another LEA. UID0-000-005 Enrollment Roster Report is including events that have been flagged as deleted.
