Bellwork 11/3/2014 Step1:Take out your Earth foldable, I will call each team up for me to check it Step 2: Take out your Earth’s layers brochure/ poster if you have already started it Step 3: If you have not started it yet, grab a paper from the back table
Bellwork 11/4/2014 Take out your Travel Brochures You have 15 minutes to add any final touches to it. Remember it should be representable and colorful. Then we will be doing our team presentations so get prepared.
Bellwork 11/4/2014 For 2nd period 1)Grab a baby scale and goal slip from the back of the room 2)Title page 30 & 31 : Chapter 7 scale and reflections 3)Copy down the following goal in the empty square on the tracking slip: Goal: I will be able to describe and differentiate the layers of the Earth and how stages of the rock cycle can relate to subsurface events 4)Look at your scale: shade the tracking slip where you currently feel you are at and date it 11/4
Team presentations Your team will now combine forces and become one travel agency. You will combine all of your layers and activities in one presentation. Each team will create a maximum of a 3 minute advertisement presentation to try to get Mrs. Bennett to buy your travel agencies travel package through all of Earth’s layers (Crust through Inner Core) and to participate in your activities. You may be creative in your presentation. You Have 10 minutes to prepare for this.
Bellwork 11/5/2014 Grab a lab worksheet from the back of the room Write your name on it Overview the background information at your desk in the page protector We will complete Travel Brochure presentations then start with our lab
Bellwork 11/6/2014 Grab a lab worksheet from the back of the room Write your name on it Overview the background information at your desk in the page protector We will complete Travel Brochure presentations then start with our lab
Bellwork 11/7/2014 you will only have 10 minutes to complete this Bellwork 11/7/2014 you will only have 10 minutes to complete this. We will be doing stations today Step 1) Take out your Log book and place it on your desk ( I will call you up team by team for the check) Step 2) Take out your Interactive notebook and update your TOC (your pages may be different than mine, make yours match your notebook) Page 18 & 19: CH. 8 scale and reflection Page 20: Bill Nye video notes Page 21: Fossil questions Page 22 & 23: CH.8 review questions Page 26: Bill Nye Video Notes Page 27: Ch.7 review notes Page 28 & 29: Earth Layers Video Evidence Page 30 & 31: Ch. 7 Scale and reflection Page 32: Earth Layers Foldable Page 33: Ch. 7 review questions Then do the following Step 3) Glue or tape in your Earth foldable on page32 Step 4) On page 33 answer the following questions You may use your chapter 7 pages 1.Why do scientists use seismic waves? ( page 257) 2.Explain how the density of a substance changes when it is heated and cooled. (page 266) 3.How are you yourself experiencing heat transfer right now