Hey, we are Nostromo and while everybody are talking of global warming, we have found a way to bring back the ice age and solve the most crucial problem of electric grids, we have developed the most cost effective, clean and safe energy storage system.
16,900 mW 12,900 mW 6,200 mW The ratio between peak demand and average demand is called “load factor”. Poor load factor (less than 65-70%) is the nightmare of the electricity grids operators meaning: utilities, transmission and transformation lines operators, actually, we can say that power grids might have different kinds of sicknesses and poor load factor is the worst. Why is that? Since peak demand is actually occurs 300-400 hours a year, the power generation abilities must stand on just about 110% of the estimated next peak demand
We have developed the world’s first thermal energy storage CELL, which is modular, efficient and enabling us full flexibility in the deployment of the system.
45˚N 78% 30˚S If you live between latitude 45˚ North and 30˚ South I can tell you 2 things about yourself: The first is that you live in a strip called the sun bath among just about 78% of the world population, the second is that the power grid that serves you has a poor load factor. How do I know it? Because in the sun bath, summer is hot, and when the summer is hot the summer peak demand is as high as it gets. Why is Summer relevant here? Source:NASA Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4)
The only reason for the fact that peak demand exist at all is because of the huge demand for cooling through middays of the hot season. Electrical cooling systems are the biggest consumer, by far, at these critical hours.
It looks like the world have already chosen the solution for energy storage. Year after year we see record-breaking of installation and the Energy sector analysis are trying to state if the lithium will be cheap enough in the future or will it be a different battery that will take the lead.
367 mW | 150,000 mW | 0.2% But the numbers reveal an interesting truth. While 2017 is a record year for energy storage deployment at 367 mw of which 95% consist on lithium-ion technologies, its represent only 0.2% of the total estimated storage which is needed to stabilize the entire US grid. The forecast for 2025 will be mere 1.5%. So when will it meet 100%? We say - Never. At least not With electro-chemical solutions.
The reason we all put our trust in lithium-ion is as a possible solution for grid scale energy storage is because of this great man, who is right on almost everything BUT behind the meter energy storage solutions. If a hummer sees nails, you can't blame the gigafactory for looking at the grid and tweete 100 mWh to Australia when they have power blackouts caused by heat waves which creates record demand for electricity which is needed to cool down commercial and residential buildings.
Bringing back the ice age So at that point, we in Nostromo are asking everybody to stop, relax, and drink a glass of water. We claim not only that using lithium for grid-scale energy storage systems is entirely wrong, but actually we say that any electrochemical battery will never be cheaper, cleaner, safer than water. As simple as that. And why water? Since while peak demand occurs, the primary need is not for electricity but for thermal energy. Cooling. And when it comes to the ability to store cold thermal energy water have an amazing and quite rare property: 1 liter of ice at 0 celsius can store 80 times the energy of 1 liter of water at the same temperature. Meaning that when it comes to water changing phase to solid, the energy density of it is astonishing.
So we say, keep the lithium in your laptops, Tesla cars iphones its great for that, but please, when it comes to grid scale energy storage we would like you to leave the take a look at our solution. but first it is needed to say, that for more than 50 years there are ice energy storage systems on the market. You didn't heard about them since almost nobody actually buy them, why?
This is a CALMAC system. CALMAC is a US leader in ice storage solutions. They have been around for 50 years and counting but they don't sell to almost no one but Universities and colleges. Actually, as far as we know, there is not even one Shopping mall or Hotel in the US that has ice storage system. And we are talking of states like New York, California and Hawaii where PLS programs (Permanent Load Shift) are generous and the demand charges are skyrocketing.
This is a 1250$ per kwh system with unbearable footprint This is a 1250$ per kwh system with unbearable footprint. due of lake of design bad engineering ice is totally absent from the storage landscape. That’s all. Nostromo have developed an ice storage system which can change the current landscape forever.
We have developed the world’s first thermal energy storage CELL, which is modular, efficient and enabling us full flexibility in the deployment of the system.
We have developed the world’s first thermal energy storage CELL, which is modular, efficient and enabling us full flexibility in the deployment of the system.
This is our prototype, it is 277 liter cell which in it we have 400 encapsulated ice vassals
This is a documentation of a discharge cycle showing energy discharged at the amount of 213 kg of ice at 0˚C (or 17,040 kcal) which is 77% ice volume to tank ratio. CALMAC ice to tank ratio is 60%.
Thank you! We have two mile stones in front of us. The first is our Alpha test (4 full size cells, connected, showing higher