2018 Chesapeake Executive Council Planning Team PowerPoint Conference Call info: 202-991-0477 Conference Code: 178-1450 Online via Adobe Connect: https://epawebconferencing.acms.com/ec EC PRIVATE/Briefing book page: http://www.chesapeakebay.net/ecbrief/2018_executive_council_briefing_book Planning Team Chairs: Rachel Felver, CBP/ACB (410) 267-5740, rfelver@chesapeakebay.net Lee Currey, Director, Water and Science Administration, MDE, (410) 537-3567, lee.currey@maryland.gov Dave Goshorn, Senior Bay Restoration Coordinator, MD DNR, (410) 260-8110, david.goshorn@maryland.gov 2018 Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint
2018 Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint Today’s Agenda Potential Dates Themes Focus Areas Potential Resolutions/Directives Messages Location Timeline 2018 Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint
Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint Potential Dates Tuesday, August 7, 2018 * Tuesday, August 14, 2018 Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint
Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint EC Member RSVP status Calendars Checked Attendance Confirmed MD Larry Hogan, Governor CBC Frank W. Wagner (VA), CBC Chair DE John C. Carney Jr., Governor DC Muriel Bowser, Mayor EPA Scott Pruitt, Administrator NY Andrew Cuomo, Governor PA Tom Wolf, Governor VA Ralph Northam, Governor WV Jim Justice, Governor Advisory Committees CAC Chair – Paula Jasinski 3. STAC Chair – Brian Benham LGAC Chair – Bruce Williams TBD Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint
Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint Content - Theme Status Potential theme: Celebrate our successes, acknowledge challenges and move forward – finish the job. Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint
Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint Content - Theme Status Celebrate successes: The Bay is responding to our efforts, we see record underwater grasses and measured reduction on pollution loads Significance pollution reductions from wastewater treatment and air deposition Accountability for the now full Conowingo reservoir Oyster restoration Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint
Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint Content - Theme Status Acknowledge Challenges Fully engage partners in the 2025 goal More emphasis and progress needed on pollution from runoff (farms and cities) than any other past plan. Adapting our programs to new science from the midpoint assessment - more accurate accounting, factoring in new growth, climate resiliency Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint
Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint Content - Theme Status Move forward – finish the job Resolutions Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint
Content – Potential Resolutions/Directives Status Potential Resolutions/Directives: Environmental literacy directive. Agriculture Stormwater EL: EC members will not sign on. What are next steps? Recommend removing from agenda entirely if they are unwilling to sign on. Split previous non-point source directive into agriculture and stormwater. Resolution committing to more help for farmers: The Chesapeake Bay Commission provided six recommendations in their "Boots on the Ground" that could be included in a directive or resolutions http://www.chesbay.us/Publications/CBC%20TA%20Report%20Boots%20on%20the%20Ground.pdf A broader resolution that includes both agricultural and urban runoff We are leaning toward resolutions rather than directives. Thoughts? How to build in forest buffers? Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint
Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint Content - Focus Areas Status Topics being explored: Specifics from the midpoint assessment Stewardship. Short highlights of various successes from local governments that pertain to themes of meeting. Local co-benefits – rural, urban and suburban examples. Highlighting oyster restoration – successes and issues. Potential Lunch topics: A commitment to work together within the partnership, and with Exelon, to address the Conowingo infill through pooled resources. This is a sticky issue that is brewing The noticeable lack of progress in some jurisdictions and their commitment to "finishing the job". More resources for farmers Direction and support for WIPs Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint
Content – Potential Messaging Status Messages to highlight: Infrastructure Cooperative federalism. Agriculture. Co-Benefits. Strengths of Bay Program. Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint
Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint Logistics – Location Status Baltimore, Maryland Potential Locations: American Visionary Arts Museum Baltimore Museum of Art Clyburn Mansion and Arboretum Columbus Center (IMET) Living Classrooms – Douglass Myers Maritime Park Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint
Advisory Committee’s EC Recommendations Letters July 24, 2018 EC Letters from CAC, STAC and LGAC due to CBPO November 30, 2018 Executive Council Meeting Planning PowerPoint