Chalkboard Challenge Grade 7 Social Studies Copyright © 2002 Glenna R. Shaw and FTC Publishing All Rights Reserved
Let’s Play Final Challenge Social Studies More Social Studies Geology Weather More Weather 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
What is a narror piece of land that projects into a body of water? Social Studies for 100 cape 100 What is a narror piece of land that projects into a body of water?
200 glacier Social Studies for 200 A large, slow-moving sheet of ice is a ___.
300 delta Social Studies for 300 A roughly triangular land at the mouth of a river formed from deposits of silt is ___.
400 lagoon Social Studies for 400 Water partially or completely enclosed within an atoll is a _____.
Broad, grassy plains in South Africa are called _____. Social Studies for 500 veld 500 Broad, grassy plains in South Africa are called _____.
More Social Studies for 100 mesa 100 Spanish for table; steep-sided, flat-topped land is a _____
More Social Studies for 200 butte 200 A small, flat-topped hill is a _____.
More Social Studies for 300 strait 300 A narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water is a _____
More Social Studies for 400 fiord 400 An inlet of the sea between high, steep cliffs is a ______.
More Social Studies for 500 reservoir 500 A natural or man-made water holding site is a _____.
What is the outermost layer, or surface of the earth called? Geology for 100 crust 100 What is the outermost layer, or surface of the earth called?
A crack in a rock is called a _____. Geology for 200 fracture 200 A crack in a rock is called a _____.
What pushes and pulls on the earth’s crust? Geology for 300 stress 300 What pushes and pulls on the earth’s crust?
A break or crack along which rocks move is called a _____. Geology for 400 fault 400 A break or crack along which rocks move is called a _____.
Geology for 500 plateau 500 A large area of flat land that is raised high above sea level is _____.
What is largely responsible for the greenhouse effect? Weather for 100 Carbon dioxide 100 What is largely responsible for the greenhouse effect?
When air is warmed, its density _______. Weather for 200 decreases 200 When air is warmed, its density _______.
To measure humidity is to measure _____. Weather for 300 water vapor 300 To measure humidity is to measure _____.
When the altitude increases, the air pressure _____. Weather for 400 decreases 400 When the altitude increases, the air pressure _____.
Weather for 500 tornado 500 Which winds has the greatest speeds? Hurricane, tornado, land breeze, cyclone
More Weather for 100 Troposphere, stratosphere, ionosphere, exosphere 100 What are the four layers of the earth’s atmosphere?
A person who studies weather is called a _____. More Weather for 200 METEOROLOGIST 200 A person who studies weather is called a _____.
In what country are most tornadoes found? More Weather for 300 USA 300 In what country are most tornadoes found?
What is the most common form of precipitation? More Weather for 400 rain 400 What is the most common form of precipitation?
The southeastern part of the U.S. is found in what climate region? More Weather for 500 moist subtropical 500 The southeastern part of the U.S. is found in what climate region?
Where on earth can thunderstorms occur almost every day? Final Challenge End Game Write Your Final Challenge Wager Around the equator Where on earth can thunderstorms occur almost every day? TIME’S UP!
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