CHAPTER 2 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND THE LAW Discrimination Laws in the Asia Pacific
Australia There are several laws at the federal and state level: Racial Discrimination Act Sex Discrimination Act Disability Discrimination Act Equal Opportunity for Women Act Racial Hatred Act Employees may complain to Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC)
Hong Kong These discrimination laws were introduced in 1990: Sex Discrimination – gender, marital status and pregnancy covering both work and non-work situations. Disability Discriminations – disabled Family Status Discrimination – anyone at work or outside work, on the ground of family status that implies, in law, an individual having responsibility for the care of an immediate family member
Indonesia No discrimination laws for women employees. But they have special rights: 2 days off during menstruation 3 months off for pregnancy Under the employment law, pregnant employees cannot be dismissed. They have the right to return to their job after maternity leave.
Japan The Labor Standards Law (LSL) prohibit discrimination in: Wages, work hours, ad other labor conditions if it is because of nationality, creed or social status. The Equal Employment Opportunity Law (EEOL) provides equality in opportunity concerning: Recruitment, payment, promotion and training for both male and female workers.
Singapore There are no specific discrimination laws. Then in 2002, the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF), Singapore Business Federation (SBF) and the National Trade Unions Congress (NTUC) released a joint statement on the Code of Responsible Employment Practices – to promote responsible employment practices In 2006, Singapore’s Tripartite Committee issued the Business Guide on Age Friendly Employment Practices on: Recruitment, Remuneration and Benefits, Job redesign and Automation, New Work Arrangement, Re-employment Policy, Managing Career Transition,
South Korea Labor Standard Act – prohibits employers from discriminating againts workers on the basis of: gender, nationality, religion or social status.
Malaysia??? No specific discrimination laws. But Malaysia does have: Code of Practice for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace And other Employment related laws (Week 12,13)