How was the Weimar Republic created in 1919?
Learning objective – to be able to explain how the Weimar Republic was established and know how it worked. I can describe the key features of the Weimar Republic. Grade D I can explain why the Weimar Republic was established and how it worked. Grade B I can explain and assess the Weimar Republic and be able to support my ideas with evidence from what I have learned. Grade A
Key terms Republic – a political structure which is headed by a president rather than a monarch. Constitution – a list of laws drawn up which a government must follow when running a country. This can be written or unwritten. Federal – a two layered system of government which has a layer of government for the nation and one for the state. Both have separate responsibilities.
What was the constitution of the Weimar Republic?
What is proportional representation? Proportional representation is a system of voting in which a political party receives the number of representatives in parliament according to the proportion of votes in wins nationally. For example, if the Nazis win 30% of the vote, it would get that proportion of representatives in parliament. If there were 100 representatives in parliament then 30 of these would be Nazi.
Resources for main task Article 1 The German Reich is a republic. Political authority derives from the people. Article 22 The Reichstag delegates are elected by universal, equal, direct and secret suffrage by all men and women over twenty years of age, in accordance with the principles of proportional representation. Article 23 The Reichstag is elected for four years. Article 41 The Reich President is chosen by the whole of the German electorate. Article 48 If public safety and order in the Reich is materially disturbed or endangered, the Reich President may take the necessary measures to restore public safety and order. Article 54 The Reich Chancellor and ministers require for the administration of their offices the confidence of the Reichstag. They must resign if the Reichstag withdraws its confidence.
Extension task
Plenary This word cloud is in the shape of Friedrich Ebert. Spot as many words as you can in the word cloud and explain why each word is significant in this lesson.