SWAN New 19 Enterprise April 2018
Agenda Welcome, introductions, and designate scribe Strategic planning discussion Review current DUX charge (see next page of agenda) What has been working well? Expanding the role of user research and assessment Activity Potential projects Examples of research activities Training events Communication and engagement Meetings and membership Wrap up & next steps Next meeting Set date, time & location
Activity: Define a Design Challenge Pick a user group and a challenge you faced in the past month Frame your challenge as a question Not too broad How do we make searching better? Not too narrow How to we find the perfect shade of blue for a download button?
Potential Projects FRBRish profile Tabbed Search Request Form Improving Article Search Search Limits & Filters Patron help site Advanced search Exploratory research into other OPACs & Discovery Systems (Pika, Bilbliocommons, non-Library systems, etc.) UX Strategy Group Purchases
FRBRish Display Live at https://swanlbtst.ent.sirsi.net/client/en_US/frbrdev
Tabbed Search
Request for Purchase Form
Design Research Activities “Design research requires us to approach familiar people and things as though they are unknown to use to see them clearly.” –Rebecca Hall, “Just Enough Research” Applied research vs. pure research Exploratory vs. evaluative research We all have our assumptions and we need to put those aside to get real insights. Also have assumptions about what research is. Applied research = solves a particular, practical problem It isn’t intimidating. Qualitative research with much smaller groups and more relaxed methods. Usability test =5, card sort=20. Researchers like Nielsen Norman group has done the quantitative studies to show the tipping point when more isn’t that much more. Pew Center for Internet and American Life
It’s Super FUN!
A Few Research Methods Comparative analysis Heuristic evaluation A/B Testing Multivariate testing Usability testing Competitive audit User interviews Contextual inquiry
…And Analysis Methods Affinity diagram/relationship map Journey maps and storyboarding
Questions? Then go-live