Data Management Data: catalog, yellow pages, customer profiles… query optimization, query rewriting, efficient loading… self organizing repositories: discover new (semistructured) data and structure it, add access paths automatically based on needs...
Knowledge Management Choose some domain (e.g., flowers near Versailles), discover vendors, integrate their catalog -- management of data, syntax + thesauri + metadata + knowledge... Allow vendors/non programmers to manipulate this knowledge add dynamically new properties, new classifications introduce new business rules...
Declarative specification: data/workflow and verification Verify partners do not violate business rules Verify some customization is acceptable Verify fairness of some complex business model Check some property of vendor business model Declarativeness is the only solution to enable such verifications
Declarative specification: data/workflow interoperability Goal: paperless complex business transactions E.g.: procurement E.g.: mediation Conversion/Integration of data Interoperability of business rules Declarativeness is the only solution to enable automatic interoperability (& verification)