World History Macdonald


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Presentation transcript:

World History Macdonald Totalitarianism World History Macdonald

Totalitarianism ( )

Definition - Gov’t that takes total, centralized control over every aspect of public and private life

Traits of Totalitarianism Dynamic leader Unites ppl, gains support Effective speaker Charismatic

Totalitarianism ( ) Dynamic Leader Unites ppl Effective speaker

Traits of Totalitarianism Dynamic leader Unites ppl, gains support Effective speaker Charismatic Dictatorship & One-party rule Gov’t has total control Leader dominates gov’t All other political parties / ideas outlawed

Traits of Totalitarianism Ideology Gov’t sets all goals / ideas Ideas glorify gov’t Those with conflicting ideas punished / killed State Control of Society Gov’t controls business Controls religion Controls education Controls media

Traits of Totalitarianism State Control of Individuals Gov’t denies personal freedom Ppl expected to sacrifice for state No personal freedom / liberties Loyalty to gov’t demanded Modern Technology Mass communication to spread propaganda, Advanced weapons Strong military

Traits of Totalitarianism Enforcement methods Police terror Indoctrination – train kids, workers, etc. in state beliefs Censorship Religious persecution

Totalitarian Leaders Stalin (Soviet Union) Adolph Hitler (Germany) Benito Mussolini (Italy) Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong-un (North Korea) Saddam Hussein (Iraq)

Write 2 paragraphs: How does a totalitarian government attempt to make its citizens obey? How would your life be different if you lived in a totalitarian state? Describe your daily activities and how they would change. Ex. You would only be able to watch tv shows that the gov’t produced. All tv shows would be about how wonderful the country was.