INTASC Standards By: Jackie Celia
Standard One: Knowledge of Subject Matter The visuals for INTASC #1 identifies this standard because it expresses learning development in students and recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary by child. PA Common Core Standards Lesson Plans
Standard Two: Knowledge of Human Development The visuals for INTASC #2 identifies this standard because it shows understanding of individual learners and cultures to maximize each child learning to the maximum extent possible Manipulatives
Standard Three: Adapting Instruction for Individual Needs Personalized Adapted Instruction The visuals for INTASC #3 identifies this standard because an environment is created to support collaborative learning and postive social interaction and active engagemnt within the classroom
Standard Four: Multiple Instructional Strategies Whole Group Instruction with Technology Group Work The visuals for INTASC #4 identifies this standard because it ensures mastery of content by creating a positive learning environment
Standard Five: Classroom Motivation and Management Skills Classroom Management Stop Light The visuals for INTASC #5 shows how the teacher understands how to connect content and different perspectives to engage learners.
Standard Six: Communication Skills Guided Reading The visuals for INTASC #6 identifies this standard because it uses mutiple methods in assessment to increase the learners growth and monitor the students progress.
Standard Seven: Instructional Planning Skills Visual planned daily schedule The visuals for INTASC #7 identifies this standard because it shows planned instruction that meets the needs of all students in all aspects of classroom learning.
Standard Eight: Assessment of Student Learning The visuals for INTASC #8 identifies this standard because it shows a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and building skills to apply thier knowledge. Sample of Students Work Writing Portfolio's
Standard Nine: Professional Commitment and Responsibility This standard shows the teacher engaging in ongoing professional development by continuously evaluating development and then applying the development into the classroom Teacher Collaboration
Standard Ten: Partnerships Lynnewood Elementary 2nd grade meeting schedule: Every Tuesday- 2nd grade team meeting Once a month- 2nd grade meets with principal to discuss goals The visuals for INTASC #10 identifies this standard because it shows a teacher seeking out appropriate leadership roles and collaborating to ensure students growth. Collaboration