Stacy Blevins and Danielle Grimes 5 to Thrive Stacy Blevins and Danielle Grimes
Why 5 to Thrive? Ron Clark- SB Soft Skills- SB Campus each week- DG Big impact without a lot of prep for teachers- DG
5 to Thrive Teaching students to have confidence and poise through daily mini lessons. 5 to Thrive will be a focus in our school every day. Each week will focus on a different skill or social emotional component to help our students exude confidence and poise, work well with others, communicate effectively and think critically in school and in life. Each morning there will be a short lesson about our skill of the week on the announcements. After the announcements, teachers will reinforce the lesson by reviewing, showing examples and practicing from 8:00-8:05. DG
How Weekly focus Announcement Mini-lesson SB - Wonder Pinterest Google Class DoJo
Focus What skills do your students need to work on? What will make the biggest impact on our school’s climate and culture? How can you support the school expectations? How can we build character every day and support our counseling department? Take a minute to think about each of these questions…- DG Mini lessons support expectations- DG Character building- SB S.P.E.C.I.A.L.- SB List of focus Eagle Expectations
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday This week, we will be talking about Attitude. Listen to this quote from Winston Churchill “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” We all know that a positive attitude can help us get through just about everything. What are the traits of a person with a good attitude. Here a few traits of people with a positive attitude: someone that always see the good in a situation, enjoys life, and is happy with what they have. Today in class, you will be discussing what are the traits of a person With a positive attitude. Who do you know that has a positive attitude? How do you feel about them? Why do you think they are so positive? We all know people that are positive all the time. They smile, help others, are kind, and fun to be around. “Attitudes are contagious. Make yours worth catching.” Think positive, Be positive and Positive things will happen. What does that mean to you? To me it means, be careful what you say to yourself, because you will believe what you think. Being positive to others is very important, but it is extremely important to be positive with your thoughts. I hope when you think to yourself, you are saying positive things. This week, we have talked about a positive attitude. Today in class, you are going to answer a few questions about your attitude. Remember, when you are answering these to think “Positive.” “Be the attitude you want to be around.” By Tim DeTellis. Announcements Template- SB
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Discuss and make an anchor chart of positive attitude traits. With a partner, discuss the person that you think is the most positive person. What are the traits they have? Why do you like this person? Share out as a class. Discuss what a positive classmate looks like. What are their character traits? How do they act? What words do they use? They never do or say: Have students brainstorm what they could say instead of: Make a T-chart with the following: What can I say to myself? Instead of saying: 1. I made a mistake. 2. I’m not good at this. 3. I give up. 4. I just can’t do math. Try thinking: 1. Mistakes help me to learn better. 2. What am I missing? 3. I’ll use some of the strategies we’ve learned. 4. I’m going to train my brain in math. You are welcome to add to this. In a journal or a piece of paper, have the students answer the following questions: What has made me smile this week? Words that describe my week? 2 things that I have learned this week? Activities template- DG
Impact Morning Greetings Eye contact
After teaching 5 to Thrive in my classroom, I noticed students start to smile and greet adults and peers as they came into school. It was so amazing to hear five year olds say good morning and ask how you are doing. Some were even addressing adults by name as they greeted them. 5 to thrive also helped my students develop empathy. Students were more aware of other’s feelings. They noticed if they said something hurtful to a friend and would apologize. ~Mrs. Hodges, Kindergarten Teacher The impact of 5 to thrive in our classroom is simply confidence. Confidence to be the best person you can be and to be fearless in and outside of the classroom. ~Mrs. Mahaffey, Third Grade Teacher The power of “yet” really resonated with my students. Throughout the year, I would hear my kids say to one another, “you just can’t do it... yet! Don’t give up”. In this day and age, the need for kids to have grit is more important than ever. These lessons that we teach throughout the year help students learn about the importance of not only soft skills, but having grit and determination to see things through. My students learned that failure can be an amazing thing, because it isn’t failure in the true sense of the word, but a lesson learned, which is so powerful. ~Ms. Bradanini, Second Grade Teacher
5 to Thrive helped transform my students socially, academically, and emotionally. My students engaged in social interaction by looking at adults and peers in their eyes, greeting and talking with one another in complete sentences. Students who talks in complete sentences, transfer this skill in their writing. Through 5 to Thrive my students learned empathy, encouragement, and coping skills. It has been an amazing tool in the classroom. Connie Logsdon, First Grade Teacher Implementing 5 to Thrive has in no doubt been beneficial for my classroom this year. It has fostered discussions and practice on basic soft skills to deeper issues that students work through daily. Making eye contact, having grit, and being an upstander are just a few of the topics used to enrich all of our daily routines. Cara Martinez, Fourth Grade Teacher
Brainstorming session