Modern Foreign Languages across Long Meadow School 2017-2018
EYFS and KS1 EYFS and Year 1 Early Years have continued to sing French songs and answer the register in French. Year 1 have also learnt how to sing ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ in French and have learnt some French colours. They have also learnt some French greetings. Year 2 have been doing lots of exciting French learning this year. They enjoyed matching numerals and written numbers. Year 1 French display showing English greetings and their French translation writing by the children.
Twitter has been used effectively to record engaging French learning. Across the school a range of languages are covered using the expertise of adults in different year groups. The core language for the school is French, in addition the children get tasters of… EYs – Spanish Y4- Japanese Y5- Latin Twitter has been used effectively to record engaging French learning. Another very successful Food Fayre was held at Long Meadow this year with many of our Long Meadow families from different countries cooking delicious food for everyone to try!
Year 3 Catherine Cheater Number 0-30 Greetings Classroom phrases Adjectives Vocabulary for spelling skills Vocabulary for sentence building Phrases of celebration Verbs Adverbs Asking politely Masculine and feminine nouns Punctuation Vocabulary from a song Responding to questions Days of the week Taking the register Year 4 Catherine Cheater Questions, answers and sentence building Further adjectives Vocabulary for a game Masculine/Feminine nouns Adjectives that precede the nouns Sentence starters Verbs Punctuation Months Definite article Vocabulary from a song Questions and answers Phrases of celebrations and greetings Towns in France Japanese numbers, greetings, family members, cultural differences, myths, festivals, geography, sports, simple phrases, food/drink, likes/dislikes) Year 5 Salut! On holiday Eating out Hobbies A school trip Latin Family, food, work, school, counting, town, military, body, religion Year 6 Salut! Actions In France Family A weekend with friends The future Jobs Early Years Focus on singing songs in French (colours, numbers, fruits) Songs – hello, my name is, numbers to 10, days of the week Year 1 Focus on answering the register in French Some other French done e.g. greetings Year 2 Numbers 1-12 – saying and reading the words. ‘How old are you?’ Hello, how are you?, what is your name? The use of French schemes (Catherine Cheater and Salut!) is embedded across KS2 and progression is evident in teacher planning which covers the NC well.
Year 3 – focus on recording some key words learnt. Progression is evident in the written work recorded in KS2. Teachers have experimented with different ways of organising the timetable to allow for quality recording … longer French lessons every other week, French days/afternoons. Year 3 – focus on recording some key words learnt. Year 5 – beginning to write sentences following a given structure. Year 6 –recording questions and answers in a conversation. Year 4 – move into short phrases.