Spring web quest ames 3rd grade
Spring holidays Easter, Passover, April Fools Day, Earth Day, Arbor Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Cino De Mayo, Holi (festival of colors in India) are all holidays in Spring. Click this link about the Spring Equinox, scroll down past the table, read the first paragraph and answer this question: What happens on the Spring Equinox? Put your answer in a complete sentence on a flower.
Spring weather The weather makes a lot of changes in spring. The sun shines more, we have rain showers and thunderstorms and the temperatures get warmer. Click on this link about rain and scroll down to “Fun Facts About Rain For Kids”. Answer these questions about rain: How fast do raindrops fall? What can raindrops contain? Put answers in complete sentences on a flower.
Facts about spring Follow this link about Spring. We live in the Northern Hemisphere, when it is spring here, what season is it in the Southern Hemisphere? When does spring begin? What does the word vernal mean? Put each answer on a flower using a complete sentence.
You have finished!! After you close the PowerPoint Spring Quest, take your completed flowers to Mrs. Zaski. Then you may look for a new book!!