Recognizing the ECC in What We Do
I’m Overwhelmed! IT’S SO MUCH!! THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY BARRIERS! When one is responsible for ensuring that a child is prepared for adulthood, the amount of content that must be addressed seems totally overwhelming. THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY BARRIERS!
Barriers Never enough TIME! For TVIs Receive significant pressure to focus on academic skills or on skills that clearly support academic learning Sense that the immediate need is to ensure that child experiences success in the assigned classroom or environment May believe that some instruction should be responsibility of parents and families May be locked into settings that are not conducive to ECC learning Never enough TIME!
Which ECC skills are already being addressed for your students? Compensatory skills Assistive technology Sensory efficiency
Are you identifying all of the ECC skills that you are addressing or are helping others to address? It helps to use ECC language to describe what you do!
Being mindful of what ECC skills are being addressed helps us to feel better about what we are accomplishing
Which ECC skills could easily be added to your students’ general/special education classroom activities?
Building on Current Skills Select a student on your caseload Think about the skills for which that student would benefit from: further practice increased expectations/challenge more responsibility or use of the skill Identify ways that these minor changes can be built into the school day by the assigned teacher
On which ECC skills could you provide initial instruction that could relatively easily be built into the school day?
Infusing the ECC in the Student’s School Day Getting off the Bus Cubby/Locker Breakfast/Early Snack Circle/Calendar/Homeroom Within classroom(s) and special areas Passing between classes Lunch Recess Afterschool Getting ready to go home/Bus
Are there ECC skills that you could you teach in those odd spare minutes of your time with a student?
“5 Minute” Lessons Put a stamp on an envelope Wash carrots Measure cane length need Give/receive compliments Graph use of low vision device Compare types of sports balls Distinguish among 2-3 spices Look up information on internet Water plant/discuss related work
5 Minute Lessons Compensatory access Sensory efficiency Assistive technology Orientation and mobility Independent living Social interaction Recreation and leisure Career/vocational Self-determination