Wordly Wise Book 7 Lesson 4
Acquire Acquisition To gain ownership of something; to get by one’s own efforts or actions. Something that is acquired. =
Antagonize To make an enemy of; to stir up anger or dislike.
Competent Having the ability to do what is needed.
Comprise To form; to make up. To consist of or include.
Correspond To match; to be equal to. To exchange letters with another person.
Dilapidated In poor condition from neglect or age.
illustrious Very famous; outstanding.
An incident from Three Little Pigs. A minor traffic incident. Something that happens in real life or in a story; an event, often of little importance. An incident from Three Little Pigs. A minor traffic incident.
Inherit To receive something from someone after that person’s death. To receive, as part of one’s physical or mental make-up, from one’s parents.
Latitude The distance north or south of the equator, measured in degrees. A region as marked by its distance from the equator. Freedom from strict rules.
Loath Unwilling; reluctant.
Maintain To declare something to be true. To keep in good condition. To continue in the same way or condition. To keep in good condition.
Renovate To make like new again.
Reprimand To scold in a harsh or formal manner. A strong scolding from someone in authority
1.Supervise 3.Supervisor 2.Supervision To direct or manage activities. The act of managing or directing. 3.Supervisor A person who manages or directs activities.
George Washington & Mount Vernon
The Carriage House
George & Martha Washington are buried here...