Karen Brigiotta Deron Brod Diana Escobar E1 Manufacturing and Distribution User Group (E1MDUG) Enhancement Meeting Karen Brigiotta Deron Brod Diana Escobar
Agenda E1 MDUG Enhancement Process Enhancement Ranking in Quest DB Business Case Template Current Enhancement Status New Enhancements
E1MDUG Enhancement Process Enter the Enhancement Request in the Quest Database with detailed information so that users can make a fair assessment/weighting of the enhancement. Enhancement requests identified and prioritized at Collaborate and/or INFOCUS Dedicate a round table session at a Quest conference or the MDUG meetings to further define the requirements of the enhancement and confirm the owner. The enhancement owner will create the Business Case document and send to the Enhancement Coordinator. The Enhancement Coordinator will send this document to the Advisory Group to determine if it aligns with Oracle’s Strategy. If this enhancement is not approved the Enhancement Coordinator will be notified. When the enhancement is approved the Oracle contact will get back to the Enhancement Coordinator on next steps. i.e. Reverse Ship Confirm The announcement will be communicated by JDE Oracle when this solution will be provided in future release.
Business Case Template First Level Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level
[Slide Title] First Level Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level This section can be used for a summary, quote, or quick fact. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Please complete a session evaluation Session ID: 123456 Contact Info: email@email.com Tel: 555.555.1234