What motivates you? Any-thing else? Treats and rewards: Revision Memory Techniques 2011 What motivates you? Treats and rewards: A sense of achievement: A sense of progress: Any-thing else? Sustaining motivation Praise: Future goals: Working with others Adaptable study skills pack: Revision Student Study Support
What’s wrong here? Possible answers (clockwise from top left) but other ideas & interpretations are fine: Working late into the night & not getting enough sleep Thinking that you won’t do well anyway Being bored and unmotivated Trying to work with too many distractions Trying to cram at the last minute Trying to work at times when you’re not alert / awake ______________ After this slide, do the Good & bad revision tips activity Adaptable study skills pack: Revision 2
Revision: 2 parts.. What do you need to know? How will you need to use it in the exam? Learn it Practise using it 2nd part appears when you click; This is to draw attention to the fact that it’s important to think about BOTH aspects of effective revision. Then focus on remembering – activity on slides 5-9 Adaptable study skills pack: Revision
? Learning and recall Remembering more: Longer, more effective recall: Organise material into meaningful, connected sections Use techniques that suit you personally – people remember best in different ways Longer, more effective recall: Repetition – review material often Adopt active strategies & practise using the material Use memory aids ? Adaptable study skills pack: Revision
Work with your strengths People are different and remember/prepare best in different ways: These prompts are just to encourage students to think of all the ways they might revise effectively (NB – yes, sing! Why do so many ads use music and jingles? And dance – some people are helped to remember by setting things to actions) Students in small groups discuss which techniques they already use and why; which others might be useful for them and why Suggestions for pictures: Cue cards on key-rings & carry them round – test yourself in spare moments eg waiting for bus, queue for coffee Charts /diagrams – put labels on post-its and stick some on every time you walk past Mnemonics of all kinds Test each other Use past exam papers Text each other questions Make concept maps, diagrams, charts, graphs etc Make up case studies / questions for each other & discuss answers Set it to music and/or actions Adaptable study skills pack: Revision