Welcome to SMG Classroom Fast Track Episode #9 Rankings & Weekly Team Analysis Your Host Jim Ford Colorado, Florida, Maine, New Hampshire SMG Coordinator JimFordmesmg@gmail.com 207-240-4209
"Creating Young Investors, One at a Time” CHRISTOPHER ANDERSON STOCK MARKET GAME COORDINATOR for MICHIGAN, IOWA, INDIANA, OREGON and the INTERNATIONAL Program "Creating Young Investors, One at a Time” WWW.SMGMAN-MI.ORG
Many Happy SMG Sunsets To You! Wicked Smart Investments JimFordmesmg@gmail.com
SMG Team Portfolio Performance Analysis Update Index Analysis: Year Long Competition Dow Jones S & P 500 NASDAQ Start: September 6, 2016 18,491.96 2,179.98 5,249.90 Current: March 15, 2017 20,950.10 2,,385.26 5,900.05 % Change + or - 13.3% 9.4% 12.4% 1/3 Index Summary 11.7% Outperforming Team Equity $111.700. or better Index Analysis: Fall 10 Week Session Competition Dow Jones S & P 500 NASDAQ Start: October 3, 2016 18,308.08 2,168.23 5,312.00 Current: December 9, 2016 19,756.85 2,259.53 5,444.50 % Change: + or - 7.9% 4.2% 2.5% 1/3 Index Summary 4.9% Outperforming Team Equity $104,900. or better
SMG Spring 2017 Team Performance Analysis Updates Dow Jones S&P 500 NASDAQ Start February 6, 2017 20,071.46 2,297.42 5,666.77 Current February 13, 2017 20,950.10 2,385.26 5,900.05 % Change + or - 4.4% 3.8% 4.1% 1/3 Index Summary 4.1% Outperforming Team Equity $104,100. or better
SMG Year Long 2017-18 Team Performance Analysis Updates Dow Jones S&P 500 NASDAQ Start September 11, 2017 21,797.79 2,461.43 6,360.19 Current October 12, 2017 22,875.56 2,554.12 6,606.60 % Change + or - 4.9% 3.8% 3.9% 1/3 Index Summary 4.2% Outperforming Team Equity $104,200. or better
What Global & Domestic Economic News has recently impacted the NYSE and NASDAQ exchanges? Team Portfolio: State Ranking #_______________ Equity in Portfolio $_______________ Buying Power $_______________
Team Positions:. See Your Accounts Holding SMG page. http://www Stock / Fund Symbol Shares Purchase Price Current Price $ Gain/Loss % Gain/Loss 1.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 2.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 3.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 4.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 5.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 6.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 7.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 8.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 9.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 10.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______
Outperforming or Underperforming the Indexes Outperforming or Underperforming the Indexes? Compare your team portfolio % gain or loss to the Dow Jones, S&P 500 and NASDAQ Composite Index since the start of play. Index Performance by % Gain/Loss _______ Team Portfolio by % Gain/Loss________ *Identify and explain analysis of Team Portfolio as Outperforming or Underperforming the markets. *Team strategy moving forward to research, buy, sell, or hold current positions. Questions? Help needed? How well is your team working together?
The Leaders Dogs of The Dow 2016 13.42% Year to Date High 19,988. December 30th Close 19,762 The Leaders Dogs of The Dow #1 CAT Caterpillar 36.46% #30 NKE Nike -18.67% #2 UNH United Health 36.04 % #29 KO Coca-Cola - 3.49% #3 GS Goldman Sachs 32.86 % #28 DIS Disney -0.82% #4 CVX Chevron 30.84% #27 V Visa 0.61% #5 JPM JP Morgan Chase 30.68% #26 PFE Pfizer 0.62% Who Will “Let The Dogs Out” Dogs of The Dow News Letter
The SMG Classroom Fast Track Learning Episodes Episodes #1 SMG Registration As Easy As 1-2-3 #2 Start Here: Teacher Support Center #3 Target Lessons Before, During & After SMG #4 SMG Know The Rules #5 Student Introduction to Research #6 Team Portfolio Pages Navigation & Understanding #7 Let’s Trade Today #8 Winning With Diversification #9 Rankings & Weekly Team Analysis #10 Connections to InvestWrite, Invest It Forward & Capitol Hill Challenge