Web Schedule Agreement (SA) Overview
WebSA Benefits Ease of use for the supplier: able to see up to 52 weeks worth of data and acknowledge multiple line items/documents at one time Better visibility to what TI needs for each week vs. trying to determine from lots of individual schedule dates. The number of date changes and schedule lines is reduced from a supplier perspective since requirements are displayed in weekly buckets. Elimination of e-mails for the supplier. Assurance of Supply improved since supplier is more likely going to provide complete commitment information. Assurance of Supply improved since the buyer and the supplier can more easily see where supplier commitments do not align with TI needs.
Web SA General Process Download data/reports to review data first if needed or proceed to step 2. The WebSA system provides a way to download the existing SA quantities and need dates. If this is helpful, Supplier pulls up WebSA and downloads existing data to get all TI needs on one report. This is the buton to use: OR Supplier pulls Shipping Requirements report. This report is updated daily 2X’s per day and shows all schedule agreements data. Supplier works off line with their planning group to determine best commit dates to meet TI needs Supplier uses the Schedule Agreement Acknowledgment function on the web to input and submit acknowledged quantities.
General WebSA Info An email is sent to confirm the SA confirmation and will only include the SA documents and line item numbers that were acknowledged WebSA allows the supplier to acknowledge up to 25 items at one time. If the Schedule Agreement Acknowledgement function is not available, the user’s account may not contain the required role. Email webpo@list.ti.com to request this additional function/role. The Schedule agreement Acknowledgement Function is preferred over using the individual Purchase Order Acknowledgement function. Schedule Agreements will always show on the PO Acknowledgment function since they are touched when our MRP process runs daily. Because of this the daily email reminder for items in the PO acknowledgement will be sent even if the SA was acknowledged the same day.
WebSA Transaction
Select the Schedule Agreement Acknowledgement Function from the Menu mprovement. Click the Schedule Agreement Acknowledgment Function
Schedule Agreement Acknowledgment Page The vendor number will default to the vendors the account is linked to. If multiples, select the one you need to review. Click the SA Acknowledgement button mprovement. Note: Leave the plant field blank to see orders from all plants or select a plant if you know the specific TI plant’s data to review
Schedule Agreement Acknowledgement Summary Page Select the schedule lines to review from the summary page and click Submit Select individual items, up to 40, or “all” (if less than 40 items are pending). Use “download” option to save As a spreadsheet to work offline, and/or to save for future reference.
SA Detail Page TI Need – this is the quantity that TI needs for the week. Quantities are grouped into weekly buckets. When acknowledged, it will contain the Friday date. The general process is shipments for commmitted quantity can occur any day of the committed week. It does not have to wait until Friday of the committed week. CumDelta – shows the difference between the cumulative TI need and supplier commit Acknowledged: Quantity supplier has previously acknowledged if it exists. If it does, it auto populates in the New Commit line Click on the SA number to view the SA information such as price, etc. A separate window/tab will open. Close it when done to get back to the SA detail page.
SA Detail Page Input the quantity to confirm in the New Commit boxes. If there are boxes, the schedule week is in the firm zone. If no open box for the week, it is in the forecast zone (and displays the font in red). Supplier can commit to the total TI need quantity within the firm zone only. Supplier can adjust quantities in the firm zone as needed. If supplier needs to zero out all commitments within the firm zone, they will need to contact the buyer as this can not be done on the web. Once the quantities are input as needed, click the Submit button. If any errors, the error message will show below the affected SA line item. If the submit is successful, the page will be re-directed back to the summary listing of the SA’s with a Transmission Successful message.
Submit Once the confirmation has been submitted, the data will be updated in TI’s system. To refresh the screen and see your submitted data, you have to exit the function. Click on any other menu option in the web menu, and then return to the Schedule Agreement Acknowledgement option.
Regional Specific Processes Philppines: due to their planning cycle and review, for any schedule agreements with the Philippines plants, suppliers must wait until Thursday/Friday each week to submit your websa acknowledgements. This allows time for the planners to sanitize the data between Monday and Wednesday. Until this review is complete, the demand may not be reliable. Schedule: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday PPP to verify demand with LBE Suppliers to acknowledge orders WPL to review deliveries with suppliers
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