How did everything get here?


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Presentation transcript:

How did everything get here?

Origins of Man How I think man come to be man God created man special – we are unique We have evolved over along period of time from more than just two people Most likely had common ancestry with other animals

Why I think… In Genesis 1:28.“Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground” God made us special, He gave us a purpose, made us above the all the other creatures.

Why I think… 2. We are unique because we are made in God’s image Humans can do things that animals can’t We have… Higher social and mental ability Ability to have a personal relationship with God Purpose to be stewards for God

Hominid and Human Fossils Why I think… 3. Fossil evidence Within the last century there have been many fossils discovered that fit the pattern of evolution. Hominid and Human Fossils Ardipithecus 5-4 MYA Australopithecus 4-2.5MYA Paranthropus 2.5-1.5 MYA Homo habilis 2-1.5 MYA Homo erectus 1.7million-250 thousand years ago “Archaic” Homo sapiens 500-120 thousand years ago Homo neanderthalensis 200-30 thousand years ago

Why I think… 4. Diversity in Human DNA With the diversity of humans today it is almost impossible for everyone to come from two individuals with mutation rate at what it is.

Why I think… 5. Evidence for Common Ancestry Similarities between humans and chimpanzees Opposable thumbs and nails Frontally located eyes Similar skeletal features

Origins of the Universe How I think the universe came to be Began as a condensed, ball of energy/matter Rapidly expanded and cooled and continues Hydrogen and Helium (some Lithium) were made and started to collect around nuclei, which began the formation of atoms. This happened many years ago God was in control and the creator the whole time

Why I think… Universe is still expanding Objects in the sky are moving farther away from us Taking the rate of expansion and working it backwards we find that everything came from one spot

Why I think… 2.Remaining energy glow Radiated heat was spread out in all directions when the Big Bang happened It should be found everywhere in very faint amounts It was discovered in 1965 and named Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Is a temperature close to absolute zero

Why I think… 3. Planets have evidence of old universe Mars Moon Taken samples finding minerals and crystals that require water exposure Most have been warmer, had liquid water on surface and thicker atmosphere, many, many years ago Moon Moon rocks have been dated at 3.2-4.5 billion years old Fragments of the moon have been found on earth and measured to be billions of years old

Why I think… 4. Distant star show old universe We see light from stars that are millions of light years away This means that the light we are seeing now is really a million years old

Why I think… 5. God is the creator It says very simply in the Bible “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

My Non Negotiable Truths There is a God who is in control of everything Man is made special from all other creatures There is no conflict between science and God just our own interpretation

My Unknowns Where did the energy and matter come from that started the big bang? The concept of time, how God could always be here and how we live forever in heaven. What is eternity? What is beyond our universe?

My Interpretation of Genesis I believe that the Bible tells us that God is in control and doesn’t stress about the how He did it. God wrote the Bible telling us about purpose and science is telling us the how it works. If God wrote the Bible filled with a bunch of science then the original audience wouldn’t have understood what He was talking about.

My Interpretation of Genesis There can’t be conflict between God and science because God created both. The part that is in conflict is our own interpretations of things. I think God made us special in his image and He used natural processes to create.

My Interpretation of Genesis God wrote Genesis in a way that the readers would understand. For me it doesn’t that the Bible says that it took God 6 days to create everything a few thousand years ago and science proves that it is much older. I believe God created everything through a process that He chose to use.

The End God is in control, He loves us and is the creator. “he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities… as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” Psalm 103: 10, 12